From the Principal |
Dear Parents and Friends,
This week’s newsletter marks the end of Term 3 and this Friday we all head off for a well-deserved rest from one of the coldest school terms I can remember. Hopefully, the warmer weather and sunshine will be the tonic we all need to thaw out in readiness for Term 4. As the end of another term arrives it is timely to reflect on all that has been achieved and to recognise some of the highlights.
As I flick through the pages in my diary there are many stand out events that have made the term so memorable. This term we have celebrated Communions and Confirmations, class Masses and family Masses, gone on excursions, assisted with planting at the Henley South sand dunes, celebrated Book Week, participated in the Catholic Schools Music Festival, 106 of our senior students went to Canberra, we held a Father’s Breakfast and celebrated the Music and Arts Showcase nights. No wonder we need a break!
All of these activities and events are great, but more importantly it is all the wonderful things that take place in the classroom on a normal school day that are also valuable experiences. The reading, writing and maths lessons that occur in the course of a day, a week and a term are just as important and significant. Thank you to the teachers for all of their hard work this term in making learning so exciting and relevant at Star of the Sea. Thanks also for all of the parent support we have received; your help is much appreciated.
Class Placements 2018
A reminder that in the last Newsletter I informed parents that teachers have commenced the process of class placements. It takes several weeks for lists to be finalised to ensure a balance of gender, learning and social needs. If you think there is some aspect of your child’s learning needs that requires further consideration, please put your concerns in writing to your class teacher. These needs will be considered when class placements are made. Class placement forms are available from the school’s website and should focus on your child’s educational needs. Letters stating the names of teachers that you do or do not want will be returned and not considered.
The task of placing children in classes is also made more difficult when parents write in with lists of children they want their child to be with or children they specifically don’t want their child to be with. Going to school is also about social interaction and learning how to get along with others. This includes people we like and people that challenge us. As I have stated in previous newsletters, class teachers know their children very well and see them interacting with their peers each day. As principal I support my teachers in knowing the needs of the children very well and constructing class groups based on the needs of all children. If you have constructive input, this is a final call.
Board Talk |
The school Board held its final meeting for the term last Monday and welcomed students from years 6 and 7 to the meeting. The senior students spoke positively and confidently about their recent Canberra Trip interstate. Board Members were very impressed with the report provided by the students who gave a recount of the Canberra experience, providing highlights but also gave ideas for improvement. Louise Santillo, reported that the teachers will be holding a debrief meeting about the Canberra Trip and from a staff perspective the inaugural Canberra experience was a positive and successful venture. Board Members were in favour of endorsing the Canberra Trip for 2019 as an outstanding learning and social opportunity for our students.
Louise also provided an ICT report to the Board, highlighting how the school engages with the one to one laptop program and iPad program. Louise showed examples of student work from Junior year levels through to Year 6 and 7. The provision of ICTs is a significant portion of the school’s budget each year, leasing computers, iPads, 3D printers, purchasing Apps and robotic devices. It was encouraging to see how the skills are developed from Reception to Year 7 and how our children adapt and engage with this critical component of the curriculum.
Upcoming Council Elections |
Please find below an introduction from one of our mums, Vania Dotto (Alannah Warnest in RB). Vania has put her hand up to run for the upcoming council elections for City of West Torrens in the Airport Ward.
This is not an endorsement of Vania, however we are very proud of her and wish her all the best as she seeks election. If you are in the Airport Ward you may want to seek Vania out and chat with her.
Joe De Tullio
I am a proud and active resident of West Beach and of the City of West Torrens and want to lead, facilitate and advocate as Councillor in the Airport Ward. As Councillor, my mission is to ensure we continue to have the best place to live, work and enjoy life. I am passionate about where we live and motivated to positively contribute and influence the direction, financial management and success of our amazing community. As your Councillor, I offer my experience in results-driven leadership, business and financial management, customer service and communications. I commit to listen and represent our community and pledge to improve on what we are already so lucky to enjoy. Personal details: born Adelaide 1978, Married, Daughter aged 6, Son aged 1; Ad. Dip. Business Management; Community Involvement: Star of The Sea Soccer Coach and NWJSA Delegate, Henley Beach Parish Volunteer.
Contact: vanialdw@icloud.com or
0422 874 411
Key Dates |
15 October 2018
Pupil Free Day
16 October 2018
First day of Term 4
21 October 2018
Year 3 Family Mass
22 October 2018
Founder's Day Mass 9.15am
25 October 2018
Star Outreach 9am
13 December 2018
Moving Day School Closure
Star of the Sea Mandarin class greeting for Chinese Moon Festival |
The 15th day of the eighth Lunar calendar month is China's traditional Mid-Autumn Festival
(Chinese Moon Festival). This year that day falls on Monday 24th September. The Star of the Sea Mandarin class is learning about this important cultural event when the full moon is celebrated by eating specially decorated round Moon Cakes. This is an annual event when the whole family will re-unite to admire the moon as they share a meal together. Family members far from home know that as they gaze upon the moon on this night and miss home, their family are also gazing at the moon and missing them.
The Mandarin class sends our best wishes to all the Star of the Sea community for family re-union during this special festive occasion.
Uniform Shop Tuesdays 8.30am - 10am |
PLUS extra dates:
Wednesdays Term 4 Week 1
8.30am – 9.30am
Wednesdays Term 4 Week 2
8.30am – 9.30am
Devon clothing uniform shop are pleased to announce that Star of the sea customers can now purchase uniform from:
84 daws Road, Edwardstown Ph: 83731776
Email: dcus@devonclothing.com.au
What does this mean for you?
You can now purchase your uniform Mon – Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-12pm during the school holidays* and school term, as well as during the usual opening times a the School Shop.
Your Online Orders will now be processed as we receive them, at Edwardstown, and you can still opt to have your order put in your child’s classroom box or have it sent to your Business or Home address or you can collect it from the school uniform shop on Tuesdays or anytime during regular trading hours at Edwardstown
From the Deputy Principal |
Hello Friends
It was great to see so many people at the Star of the Sea Art Showcase on Wednesday evening. I extend a huge congratulation to Lisa Lata and the students on their creative prowess and skill. Thanks also to the music students and Cathie Turner for the music. Whilst on the Arts, we witnessed a fantastic evening full of musical inspiration last Thursday evening in the Parish Church. It was a night full of music, fun and celebration as some 200 children showcased their skills with musical instruments of all kinds. Well done to the students, Cathie Turner, John Radcliffe, Helen Wedding and all of the music tutors.
Term 3 was a very busy term indeed with so many whole school events, including the Book Week Parade, Mass of the Feast of the Assumption, Fathers; Day celebrations, Catholic School Music Festival, SAPSASA and SACPSSA Carnivals, the Year 6 and 7 Canberra Trip and so many, many more
Thanks to all of our various volunteers this term, Sports Coaches and Managers, LAP Volunteers, reading volunteers and classroom helpers, Canteen volunteers and anybody who has donated their time to our school. Your assistance, time and contribution to school life is greatly appreciated.
I take this opportunity to wish all families a happy and safe, holiday break. School resumes on Tuesday 16 October. Staff return on Monday 15 October for Professional Development sessions.
If you want to relax, watch the clouds pass by if you're laying on the grass, or sit in front of the creek; just doing nothing and having those still moments is what really rejuvenates the body. Miranda Kerr
Thanks and blessings
Confirmation and Communion |
“Communion opens and unites us to all those who are one in Jesus Christ. Here is the wonder of Communion: we become what we receive!”
How wonderful! We have now completed our Sacrament Program for 2018.Two Confirmations and seven very special First Holy Communions have been celebrated over the past three weeks whereby eighty children have completed the Rites of Initiation to become full members of the church. Each ceremony was moving (I had a tear in my eye at each one) and how proud were our children! Congratulations.
There are so many people to thank: Our welcoming, caring and pastoral priests: Fr Philip, Fr John, Fr Paul and Fr Krish. We are blessed to have spiritual guides who can make all of us feel so loved. Our wonderful teachers: Mrs Izzo, Ms Muir, Mrs Clark, Mrs Lintern and Mrs Conlon, who accompanied the children on their faith journey and ensured the smooth running of our ceremonies. Thank you to all the musicians from school and the parish who contributed their gift of music to our liturgical celebrations, especially Mrs Turner and Mrs Wedding. Next, our Home Group Leaders, host families, volunteers, from other year levels, who hosted our supper following our liturgies; your generosity and commitment to our Sacrament Program is appreciated.
Jesus and his friends went to his home in Capernaum. And when inside he asked them, “What were you discussing on the way?” But they kept silent, for on the way they had argued with one another about who was the greatest. And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” And he took a child and put him in the midst of them, and taking him in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and when you welcome me, you welcome the one who sent me.” Mark 9:33-37
SACPSSA European Handball Carnival - Wednesday 31 September.
These are the dates that have been set so far so mark them in your diaries!
Join our Community on Facebook for a 'behind the scenes' look at what happens at Star of the Sea School.
To view the Tuck Shop roster and price list click on the link below.
To view the this term's Road Monitors Roster click on the link below.