Dear Parents and Friends,
Welcome back for the start of Term 4! As I moved around the school last week it was wonderful to see that the children have returned with much enthusiasm and look refreshed and ready to give their best for this the final term of 2019. Where does time go?
There is much to do in Term 4 as we commence planning for 2020 and put into place staffing, class placements, class budgets, book lists, etc. This term’s calendar is well and truly filled with an array of end of year events and celebrations such as Assemblies, Mission Week, Music Showcase Concert, Orientation Days, Carol's Night and excursions. All of these activities take a great deal of planning and happen because of the generosity of so many people who are prepared to give of their time. A Term 4 school calendar was sent home last week. I suggest you keep it in a prominent place or on the family fridge for reference.
This time of the year also marks the commencement of report writing. Teachers will begin the task of final assessments, gathering student data, test results, and other information, and use their knowledge of your child’s learning to write the end of year report. If you haven’t been in communication with your child's teacher recently it would be appropriate to do so now, similarly if teachers have any concerns they will be in contact with parents. This will hopefully ensure that there will not be any surprises in the reports when they are distributed in Week 9.
Tribute Liturgy to Fr John
Last Wednesday we held a memorial celebration for Father John. This was the first time we could gather as a school community to pay tribute to a wonderful man and priest. During our liturgy we were able to sing songs that we know Fr John loved hearing the kids sing, Mrs Manera gave a beautiful eulogy, the children read their reflections and Mr Petkovic and Mr Moulton came bake to sing their rendition of 10000 Reasons.
Father Krish gave a moving homily and it was his first time expressing his profound loss of his dear friend and brother. Without a dry eye in the church, it was what we all needed. Father John's influence and presence in our lives will live on if we live like he did, in service for others, doing good deeds.
Rest in Peace Father John.