Audiri & QKR

Keep in touch with us through Audiri

Have you downloaded the FREE Audiri App? A great way to keep informed and get instant communication of what is happening at Star of the Sea School.

Please find attached instructions and F&Q for parents below.

Further information please call the Front Office on 8115 7400.



Paying school bills with QKR!

We are constantly seeking ways to improve the services we offer to our families. With this in mind, we introduced a new mobile phone application and online service called Qkr! (pronounced Quicker). Qkr! is an application which allows you to order and pay for, using your Smartphone, tablet or computer:

  • School Fees – You can pay your school fees via the application if you are not on a payment plan.
  • Additional invoices - You can pay additional invoices issued by the school, such as Sport Fees or School Activities.
  • Event Tickets  - You can purchase tickets for School events such as the Year 7 Graduation Dinner.

For help in getting started, please download the guide below.

Registering as a guest

To process payment for school events such as Sportsman Night and Ladies Day or future events of this nature.

For more information, please download the "Getting Started" guide below.