Newsletter Term 1 Week 11
Dear Families,
Here we are already at the end of Term One – what a full and productive eleven weeks we have had!
Our Sports Day yesterday was a wonderful display of community, sportsperson ship, activity and spirit! I extend a heartfelt thanks to Kristen Victory, who coordinated an outstanding day for all our students. Our Year 6 House Captains were also exemplary, a creative, organised and enthusiastic group of young leaders. There is no doubt that the collective effort of all our staff contributed to a very successful event for all. It was also wonderful to see so many parents and friends join us too. Congratulations to the McAuley team for winning the Spirit Cup and the MacKillop team who won the Shield. Ultimately, everyone who participated in the day was a winner in their own way, as being successful can be demonstrated in various ways.
Staffing News
As you are aware, Domenique Laurendi has been appointed substantive APRIM (Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission) commencing in Term 2. We are pleased to announce that we have appointed Melanie Tokic as Year 4 teacher to work alongside Katrina Frangiosa for the remainder of the year. Melanie has worked in several Catholic schools in the Western region and knows our community well, having two sons who are old scholars of the school. We warmly welcome Melanie to our school community next term.
We also extend our thanks to Demi Loustos who has taken the Year 4 class while Eva Lake has been on Long Service Leave. We look forward to welcoming Eva back to Star.
In other staffing news, we are delighted to welcome five new Education Support Officers to support our learners during Term 2 while several of our current ESO’s go on placement. Joining our dedicated team include Brodie Newman, Beth Mclean, Julia Laurendi, Broni Traianos and Connor McLeod.
Little Stars
Our ‘Little Stars’ transition program recommences next term in readiness for our Term 3 Reception intake. We warmly welcome our little stars and their educators, Tania Condelli and Kylie Casey.
Parents and Friends
The P&F have been working very hard behind the scenes to ‘friend’ and ‘fund’ raise for our community. You would have read about their very successful Ladies Night event recently. A big thank you to all who supported this event. In Week 2 next term, our P&F team will hold a Mother’s Day stall for our students to purchase gifts from. QKR is now open for you to purchase vouchers. We thank the P&F for all they do for our school community.
Pupil Free Day: Term 2
Just a reminder that Term 2 commences on Tuesday 2nd May as our staff will be engaging in faith formation day on the Monday. Vacation care is available for families requiring this service.
Active April Calendar
Please find attached the ‘Active April’ calendar from the Action for Happiness website that was shared last month. This month promotes staying active and healthy. You may find this a useful family resource during the school holiday break.
Happy Holidays
As we conclude the term, I would like to extend my thanks to all who make our school a vibrant and connected community. I wish you all a safe, restful and enjoyable school holiday period. May your home and family be blessed with good health and joy and that you have the chance to take the time to embrace opportunities and activities that energise and fulfill you.
Go well,
Kelly Manera
Acting Deputy Principal
Recent News

Easter Liturgy
On Tuesday morning we gathered as a whole school in front of the three crosses on the oval to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.
The most joyful week in the Church Year began on Easter Sunday. The resurrection of Jesus really happened and reveals to us that we also share in that resurrection. It is a week of great rejoicing which we celebrate by giving and receiving easter eggs.
We covered Jesus’ cross in white to signify new life, just like we wear white for our Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion. We also decorated Jesus’ cross with flowers as we know that Jesus loved the beauty of flowers.
Project Compassion
Thank you, Star of the Sea community, for your generous donation to Project Compassion. The funds raised will support people who are facing poverty and injustice in some of the most vulnerable communities in the world.
Sacraments of Initiation
We have begun planning the journey for students who will be receiving the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. A letter has gone out to our Year 4 families regarding the Sacramental program and outlining the dates of the ceremonies. If you have not received this letter or have a child who you would like to be part of the program, please contact Domenique Laurendi via email.
As Term 1 draws to a close we would like to say a big thank you to the Star of the Sea community for their support as we worked together in the role of Acting Religious Education Coordinator this term. It has been a pleasure to lead the school in the many religious celebrations we have had including our Welcoming Mass, Ash Wednesday Liturgies, Palm Sunday liturgy and Holy Week events.
Wishig everyone a safe, happy and blessed holiday break.
Domenique Laurendi and Sheena Pattinson
What a day!! Lots of running, jumping, throwing, singing and games. All with great weather!
Congratulations to Shield: MacKillop and Spirit Cup: Mc Auley
Well done to all our students involved and a huge thank you to our Captains for all their efforts.
Thank you to all our community for their support on the day and to our staff for their hard work.

Important Dates
Pupil Free Day
Term 2 Begins
Volunteers Induction 5-6pm
Literacy Meeting R-2 6-7pm
Parent Teacher Interview 8/4-10/4

Save the date: Gala Ball Saturday 28 October 2023, Adelaide Oval.
Please see attache Gala Sponorship Letter from the P&F.
Parent-Teacher Interviews Semester 1 2023

Parent-Teacher interviews will be held for years Reception to 6 during Week 2 of Term 2 Monday 8 May Wednesday 10 May 2023.
Please follow the link for more information.
Latest P&F Newsletter
Please see our latest newsletter.