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Term 3 Week 7
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Newsletter Term 2 Week 10 2021
Newsletter Term 2 Week 8 2021
Newsletter Term 2 Week 5 2021
siobhan test
Newsletter Term 2 Week 1
Newsletter Term 2 Week 5
Newsletter Term 1 Week 11
Newsletter Term 1 Week 8
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Newsletter Term 1 Week 1
Newsletter Term 4 Week 9
Newsletter Term 4 Week 7
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Newsletter Term 3 Week 9
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Newsletter Term 3 Week 3
Newsletter Term 3 Week 1
Newsletter Term 2 Week 10
Newsletter Term 2 Week 7
Newsletter Term 2 Week 5
Newsletter Term 2 Week 3
Week 2, Term 2 Newsletter
Welcome to 2020

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Important Dates

P&F Meeting 7pm

Tuesday 7 February 2023

SOS Swimming Carnival Yr3-6

Wednesday 8 February 2023

School Tour 9.30am and 4.30pm

Monday 13 February 2023

Meet the Teacher Week

Monday 13 February 2023

Welcome Mass 1.45pm

Thursday 16 February 2023

Cartnivale Parade 9.15am

Friday 17 February 2023

Acting Religious Education Co-Ordinators Term 1

At the end of last year, we said farewell to Mrs Stella Foley our school APRIM as she began her retirement.  Stella played a large part in our school community and will be sorely missed. In 2023 however, we are pleased to announce Domenique Laurendi and Sheena Pattinson as our 2 Acting Religious Education Coordinator (REC) for Term 1. Domenique and Sheena have taught at STAR for many years now and are both part of the Leaders of Learning Team. Together, they bring a wealth of knowledge to the role, especially after teaching in the Catholic Education system for over 20 years each. 

Sheena will carry out the role of REC on Mondays and Tuesdays and Domenique on Thursday and Friday.  We are very excited to have Domenique and Sheena leading our faith formation this term and are looking forward to the Masses and Liturgical events they are preparing. The first of these will be our Whole School Welcome Mass which will be held at 1:45pm on Thursday 16 February, Week 3.  All parents are warmly invited to attend if they are available.

Parents Using the Parish Carpark

We are fortunate to be able to use the Parish carpark in the mornings and afternoons.  In the morning there is a Parish Mass at 9:15am so…school parking is available only to 9am.

From tomorrow morning we members of our School Leadership Team will be monitoring this situation.

When using the carpark please observe the following:

  • 10kph speed limit
  • Enter via Marlborough St
  • Exit via Seaview Rd

Thank you for your co operation

Covid19 update 2023

COVID-19 continues to affect the community and we all have a part to play in keeping our school community safe and minimising the disruption to learning that can occur when illness circulates at school.

  • Students who are unwell should stay home if they have cold or flu-like symptoms and get tested for COVID-19.
  • If students have COVID-19, please advise the school as soon as possible, and stay at home until all acute symptoms (runny nose, sore throat, cough and fever) have cleared.

Residential Collection Notice

The Australian Government Department of Education (the department) would like to notify you that we have requested for your child’s school to provide residential address and other information.

Please see attached for more information.


Dear Families,

On Friday the 17 February (Week 3) we will be hosting a celebration of Carnevale and Art coming together, known as CARTNEVALE. Towards the end of last year, our students made creative masks to wear for the parade and completed an art piece for this festive occasion.

We warmly welcome families to attend our inaugural CARTNEVALE beginning at 9.15am on the oval.  Student’s artwork from last year will be displayed in the Stella Maris Room and can be viewed at the end of the parade. Coffee will also be available in the morning for purchase.

Students are invited to participate in an Italian themed art competition. Gelati will also be on offer with orders to occur prior to the day. Details of both the competition and gelati will follow.

We are very excited about this event and look forward to seeing many families join us for the celebration.

Kind Regards,
Lisa Lata (Art Teacher) and Tania Condelli (Italian Teacher)

Notifying the school of an absentee

A reminder that all absentees must be reported to the school.

The 2 options to notify an absence:

Call 8115 7400 and press 1
Email us at with the subject being ABSENT and provide us with the name of your child, their class and the reason for the absence.

If you email the teacher your child’s absence, please also let the Front Office know by using the same email address

Thank you for your support

School Safety Program

The City of Charles Sturt has implemented a comprehensive traffic management and parking
scheme in the streets surrounding your child’s school to help make it a safe place.

Click here to read the safety tips.

2025 Reception Enrolment

Enrolment Information Needed

To assist us with future planning, please ensure you have enrolled younger siblings. We are currently enrolling for 2025.

If you are not sure, please contact Ms Vivian Andrews at the Front Office or email:

Thank you.

Meet the Teacher

In week three we will be offering an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher.  Tomorrow you will receive an email with all the instructions on how to book a time.  The aim of these chats is for parents to share relevant information about their child and for the teacher to listen, sort of in reverse to the Parent/Teacher interviews later in the year.  For those families who have a child with a Personalised Plan for Learning (PPL) we would like to hear your opinions on the document, what was successful, what you found challenging and your thoughts on the next steps.

Thanks to some wonderful volunteers the pre-loved Uniform Shop has a Term 1 standard opening time of Wednesday mornings 850am-920am.

Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to operate click and collect service, so please head into the shop to see what we have.

We are always taking donations so please either drop the into the preloved uniform shop on Wednesday mornings or into the office during operating hours.

Just a reminder, all the money raised from the sales of preloved uniforms go straight back into the school, supporting our APRIM to support students and parents with friendship and relationship building resources.

Thanks so much for your support.

Sports Day Thursday 13 April, Henley Oval.




Healing Mass

Healing Mass Thursday 9 February Rosary 7pm Mass 7.30pm including the Sacrament of Anointing, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Sacrament of Reconciliation, individual blessings with the Blessed Sacrament in the Monstrance, Prayer Ministry with Candlelit music in the Spirit of Taize, Tea/coffee light supper. At Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church 420 Seaview Road Henley Beach. All welcome Enquiries Pauline 0403002240

Thank you God bless Pauline Cotton 0403002240 Co-ordinator Living Waters Prayer Group
