Newsletter Term 1 Week 2
Dear Families
We are looking forward to Years 2-6 returning to school next week, to join our Reception and Year 1 students. I acknowledge and thank all of our staff and students who have patiently and positively engaged in the South Australian hybrid education model.
Monday will mark the end of the remote learning and the work that teachers have be doing with this system. All learning will return to the normal face-to-face teaching and teachers will be putting all their time into this style of learning and no long be expected to support remote learning. Many teachers have been answering emails almost on demand during remote learning and many have been answering them after hours (impacting on their own family time). As we return to face-to-face learning please understand that teachers will not have the ability to answer emails immediately. Also, for the wellbeing of our teachers, once they have left school for the day, it is their time and for most, family time. I am sure you will understand that there is no expectation for teachers to check their emails until they return to work the next morning.
Please make sure your child returns/brings their technology to school on Monday.
Please be assured that our school will continue to follow the advice of SA Health in order to minimise the potential for entry into and transmission of COVID-19 in our school environment.
The most important control against COVID-19 impacting our school community is for your child to stay home if they are unwell. If your child displays even mild symptoms associated with COVID-19, please arrange for a PCR test and follow SA Health directions. Where your child has been confirmed as COVID-19 positive, please contact the school immediately (if on a weekend please email If we are notified that a person who attended school subsequently learns they are COVID-19 positive, we will communicate this with classroom contacts in line with the approach approved by SA Health. Previously we have shared our response to a positive COVID-19 case in our school. You can find this information repeated in this newsletter (RE: Return to School – Update 1 (Managing COVID Cases).
As per previous notification, Military Road is out of action for this term. Seaview Road should be used for “Kiss & Drop.” We are encouraging families to avoid Military Road. The Council has already been monitoring this area and issuing fines. The Police have also increased their presence in the area. We have previously shared information from the Council and a map indicating traffic flow, this information is repeated in this newsletter.
We are encouraging all families (except those of Reception children) to drop their children at the gates and to pick them up at the gates in the afternoon. The preference for the next two weeks, is for adults not to enter the school site, unless absolutely necessary or if you need to come to the front office. Please QR code, wear a mask and social distance if you need to come onto the school site.
Children can arrive at school from 8:20am. If your child needs to be at school earlier, they need to attend the OSHC program. We will be monitoring this situation more closely this year.
On arrival children have three spaces, with supervision, that they can move to:
- Green Courts (Military Road)
- Nature Play (Seaview Road)
- Oval (Marlborough Tce)
Reception families will continue to use the MDC gate on Marlborough Tce, please QR code, wear a mask on entry and practice social distancing. Please remain on the asphalt area where there is plenty of space to allow for social distancing. The teachers will meet the children here and take them to class. By next week we would be hoping Reception children will make their way to the class without their parents. At the end of the day, they will be dismissed from this area from 2:50pm by their teachers. The rest of the school will be dismissed at 3.05pm. If this doesn’t work for you, don’t worry! We will be there until all students are picked up by and adult or older student. Reception parents may enter via the MDC gate to collect their child from the asphalt area.
Please be assured that our school will continue to follow the advice of SA Health in order to minimise the potential for entry into and transmission of COVID-19 in our school environment.
Consequently, for Weeks 1-4,
- School sports (other than Physical Education classes) and other extra-curricular activities (eg instrumental tuition, ensembles) will be put on hold
- Assemblies, masses and other gatherings will be postponed
- There will be no playgroup during this time
- Entry to our school site will be confined to essential visitors only (who will be required to wear a mask and check in using our COVID Safe QR code).
Star of the Sea School is a Parish School and that means it is run by the Catholic Church through the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools. The day to day operations are managed by Catholic Education SA (CESA) who is responsible for most of the Catholic Schools in SA. The COVID 19 decisions, in regards to the Health and Safety of those who are part of Star of the Sea, are directed by CESA. In South Australia, there is a great system for dealing with Covid in schools. SA Health are generally responsible for disseminating information in this area and they meet with the three schooling systems in our State, to work on how this is going to be implemented in schools. The Independent Schools, State Schools and CESA then distribute this information to their schools, so that generally all schools in SA are implementing the same strategies.
So, all schools in SA are implementing the following:
- Anyone who is unwell, who are household/ close contacts from other exposures or people symptomatic must not be at school, preschool or childcare. This applies to staff and children.
- Vaccination
- All eligible students aged 5+ strongly recommended to be vaccinated.
- All staff, governing council members/ employees, contractors and volunteers (incl. parent volunteers) must be vaccinated in accordance with the Emergency Management Direction to be on site.
- Masks are:
- required for adults, except when teaching
- required for students in years 7 to 12
- strongly recommended for students in years 3 to 6
- medical exemptions also apply.
- Ventilation, to be maximised by leaving doors/windows open, continued use of air conditioning (set to fresh air intake where available) and fans, including with doors and windows open.
- Outdoor learning is encouraged where appropriate
- Physical distancing where possible
Almost two years ago, when Covid began, extra cleaning in the middle of the day, began in our school. You might be interested to know that we have continued to do this extra cleaning to this day.
Could I ask you to remind your child/ren about personal hygiene. The hygiene standards in our schools are critical to reducing the risk of infection. Please encourage your child/ren to:
• wash their hands regularly, particularly after using the toilet and before eating
• avoid spreading infections to others by staying home if unwell (this includes parents)
• cover a cough or sneeze with a tissue
• bring their own personal, labelled and named water bottles (these can then be refilled at the drink fountains or water taps, there is no drinking directly from any school taps)
All children aged 5 and older are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, and families are encouraged to make arrangements for your child to be vaccinated by visiting
It is wonderful to be at the stage where all students can connect with their teachers and peers in person, and we look forward to all students attending school from Monday 14 February 2022.
Damian Weeks
Recent News
Please see attached letter regarding-Return to School – (Managing COVID Cases)
Please find link below regarding information provided by the City of Charles Stuart Council in regard to Military Road closure and what this means for you using the Military Road ‘drop-off and pick-up’ area.
Dear Families
I share with you the Parable of the Mustard Seed. Parables are stories which Jesus shared with others to understand his teachings. This parable reminds us of our sacred partnership with our families in nurturing the growth and development of all our students, so they can continue to thrive, see themselves as capable learners and leaders for the world God desires.
The Parables of the Mustard Seed
Mark 4: 30-33
30 Again he said, “What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? 31 It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. 32 Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.”
We invite you watch the Mustard Seed video
The Mustard Seed"-Lyric Video, words by Andrew Chinn, music by Drew Lane, with Ella & Phoebe Nyers
Welcome Liturgy: How can I grow with an open heart and an open mind?
On Tuesday 15th February our school will celebrate our Welcoming Liturgy in a different form. We will gather in our individual classrooms to celebrate the beginning of being together for 2022. Reception to Year 2 will celebrate their Liturgy at 9:15am and Years 3-6 will celebrate their Liturgy at 11:30am.
We will be inquiring in a Prayer provocation: How can I grow with an open heart and an open mind? We will be listening to the Parable of the Mustard Seed and share with others how we can continue to spread the seeds of Respect, Inclusivity, Compassion, Collaboration, and Honesty modelled by the Sisters of Mercy in our school.
Class Liturgies
This term class Liturgies will be celebrated in our classrooms. Music and song in prayer acknowledges the sacredness of the moment, however due to current singing restrictions students will participate in Heart Moments, Guided Meditation, and Contemplation. This may change according to the SA Health Guidelines at the time.
Shrove Tuesday
Shrove Tuesday is on Tuesday 1st March (Week 5). As a school community we will do the best we can to celebrate this very special day in accordance with SA Health Guidelines.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is on Wednesday 2nd March (Week 5). In week 4 we will communicate with you how this significant day in our Liturgical calendar will be shared in our school.
The Sacrament of First Reconciliation 2022
Following the advice from SA Health regarding school activities we have decided to postpone the Sacrament of First Reconciliation until Term 2. Dates will be confirmed at a later date. We acknowledge that you and your child would have been looking forward to receiving the gifts and graces of the Sacrament. We are committed to keeping you informed.
Go gently
Jhovana Fenu
Acting Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission
Welcome to 2022! Its amazing to think it is 2 years since our whole Covid outbreak began. Over the past 2 years we have had a number of carnivals cancelled however we are hoping with a few adjustments we will get to take part in all carnivals this year.
Firstly, I will be taking the rest of Term 1 off as long service leave and will be returning in Term 2. I would like to welcome Geordi Caridi to the Star of the Sea School sporting family. Geordi or otherwise known as Mr C, was a member of the Star of the Sea family during term 3 & 4 last year as he completed his final teaching practicum. Students are very familiar with Mr C as they have been working with him quite a lot over a 3 month period.
Next, our year begins with our SOS Swimming Carnival this was due to happen yesterday however due to government restrictions we have rescheduled to Wednesday Week 5, Term 1, 2022. Please stay tuned to Skoolbag app for further information
A reminder to all families that all sporting information will come out through the Skoolbag app, if you do not have this app please feel free to see the office staff for support.
All registrations are made through QKR. If you do not have this app once again the office staff are a great resource. Once you have registered using QKR please ensure that the registration has gone through by checking the receipts section in the app. If you do not have a receipt, then it hasn’t gone through.
The netball and basketball teams have gone out through email however there has been some issues. Mr Caridi will be in touch next week. If you believe you have registered your child and not received an email, please contact Mr C by email, and he can check your registration through Qkr!. Once again due to government restrictions games starting date has been delayed and it will supposedly begin Week 5, Term 2 however Mr C or your Team Managers and Coaches will contact you with further information once we know a firm starting date.
Thank you to everyone for your patience with the changes to the sporting program this term.
Here’s to a smooth sailing 2022.
Kristen Victory
Sports Coordinator / Teacher
Sport Dates for Term 1 2022
Airport District SAPSASA Swimming – Monday 21 March
SACPSSA Swimming Carnival – Monday 21 March - further information will come out re this clash
Metro SAPSASA Swimming Carnival –Tuesday 24 March but TBC
Star of the Sea School Sports Day – Thursday Week 4 Term 2.
These are the dates that have been set so far so mark them in your diaries!
Please note the Athletics carnivals will begin in term 2.
eSafety's parent guide to helping kids thrive online

This Term 1 webinar in 2022 offers tips about how to support young people to socialise, learn and have fun online safely.
It explains how to access information, use technology safely and navigate new online platforms.
The presentation is designed for parents and carers of young people aged 5 to 12 years old.
It will cover:
- how to talk to young people about online risks on different social media platforms and games
- how to help young people develop skills to protect themselves when they are online
- where to go for help if things go wrong and how to access mental health support and information through eSafety.
2022 dates (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)
Tuesday 8 February 12.30 to 1.30 pm
Thursday 10 February 12.30 to 1.30 pm
Wednesday 23 February 7.30 to 8.30 pm