Newsletter Term 1 Week 3
Dear Families
Our two weeks at school have been very successful as we devote the time to social and emotional learning. This is the beginning of our Student Wellbeing which continues throughout the year.
Teachers have been putting in long hours this week offering an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher. If you missed the opportunity, please contact your child’s teacher directly.
We are very happy to have volunteers assisting teachers and the school. Volunteers add to the quality of what we are able to offer at the school. The process for becoming an approved volunteer is a three step process:
- CESA police check or Working With Children Check
- Induction course
- RAN training for volunteers
For more information how to become a registered volunteer please follow the link.
Our very popular playgroup began this week. It is again held on Tuesdays in the Parish Hall. The group is run in conjunction with the Parish and is for Parents, Grandparents and care givers. Bookings are not necessary just turn up at 9:30am. More information can be found on our website.
As school routines begin to take shape you will notice that homework will beginning to appear, the majority of which is reading. The importance of reading cannot be underestimated and has been the topic of thousands of pieces of research. For example, in a study of the out-of-school activities of fifth graders, Anderson, Wilson, & Fielding (1988) found that time spent reading books was the best predictor of a student’s reading proficiency. Some examples from the study are…
- A student reading at home for 2 minutes a day would read 100 000 words a year and would be in the bottom third of reading ability when compared with all 10 year olds
- If that student increased their reading by 10 minutes a day, they would bump up into the top third of reading ability when compared to all 10 year olds
- Those students in the top 10% of readers, when compared with all 10 year olds, read for 21 minutes a day, reading nearly 2 million words a year away from school
Please keep in mind that when children bring home readers they should be quite easy for them to read. The rule of thumb is no more than 5 errors per 100 words, this is because the aim of reading is to comprehend the text.
SCHOOL BAG APP is our major link to families delivering school alerts, information as well as our new electronic version of the school newsletter instantly and directly to your smartphone and/or tablet. In your devices “App Store” search for “Skoolbag” and follow the very simple instructions.
This year we are continuing our Facebook site to celebrate some of the fantastic things happening around our school. On Facebook you can search for our site by using Star of the Sea School.
Just a reminder that children are welcome at school from 8:20am, when our gates are opened and teachers are on yard duty. In the morning children can play in the Nature play area, on the MDC courts or on the oval.
At the end of the day we supervise children in the yard till around 3:25pm. Any remaining children are then seated in the front office and should be picked up no later than 3:30pm.
The safety of our children is paramount to the operation of any school and where our children and cars share the same space every care is needed. We make many appeals to parents about parking, kiss and drop etc. Sometimes we have neighbours and their visitors or workmen not paying attention to the parking signs. The council are quite vigilant at checking around our school over the first few weeks and I have already seen a number of police patrols before and after school.
This term we will be publishing newsletters in weeks 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9.
Kind regards
Damian Weeks.
Recent News
Dear Families,
Welcome to Week 3!
Our learners are well and truly settled into school life. As I move around the classrooms this week the focus on establishing routines, expectations and relationships over the past two weeks has been a valuable opportunity to set up for success for the year ahead. You may hear your child talk specifically about our whole school wellbeing program Learn to Play that includes ‘safe hands, safe feet and safe mouths’. In addition, as part of our Health curriculum this term, all classes will be engaging in learning centred around the Zones of Regulation. This curriculum provides an easy way for our students to think and talk about how they feel on the inside and sort these feelings into four coloured Zones, all of which are expected in life. It is important for our young people to build a vocabulary of language that helps them express their specific feelings at any given time. I encourage you to discuss this learning with your child so they can utilise the ‘zones of regulation’ language both at home and at school.
Meet The Teacher
It has been wonderful to see so many families take up the opportunity to come and meet their child’s class teacher. I know our educators have found these meetings beneficial in building a learner profile and working in partnership with you to support your child. As you are aware, open communication at Star of the Sea is vital and welcomed. Your child’s class teacher should be your first point of call if you have any concerns or celebrations you wish to share.
NAPLAN (National Assessment Program- Literacy and Numeracy)
Did you know NAPLAN is moving to March this year? At Star of the Sea School, our Year 3 and Year 5 students will be sitting the assessments during Week 7 and 8 of this term. The NAPLAN assessments are linked to the Australian Curriculum. The aim is to determine whether students are developing the essential skills; predominately in literacy and numeracy, that they will need in life. It is important to understand that this is one form of assessment that is used to gather data about your child’s attainment of literacy and numeracy skills. At Star of the Sea, we use a variety of ongoing assessment and reporting processes to inform our teaching and support student learning.
In the media recently, you may have heard that parents and carers will get earlier, simpler and clearer information about their child’s NAPLAN achievement based on new, more rigorous national standards. If you have any questions regarding NAPLAN, please contact your child’s class teacher.
Parking Etiquette
We understand the challenges the new building presents in terms of parking around our school. We thank you for being flexible and patient particularly at the end of the day. A reminder to be mindful of parking restrictions around our school, in particular, the importance of being respectful to our neighbours by not waiting or parking across driveways. This also includes our school driveways, in case emergency vehicles need to gain access into the school grounds. We appreciate your support.
Community Events
It is wonderful to be able celebrate whole school events as a connected community! Our Welcome Mass was a beautiful celebration, and we look forward to our Carnevale Parade tomorrow at 9:15am. You are all welcome to attend the parade, and we invite you to visit the Stella Maris room to view the creative works of art created by our talented students. Next week, we thank our parent volunteers who will cook 500 plus pancakes to mark Shrove Tuesday. Star of the Sea continues to be a busy and vibrant school community.
We hope to see you at the parade tomorrow!
Go well
Kelly Manera
Acting Deputy Principal
Today we celebrated Mass as a whole school community. What a privilege it was to be able to gather and welcome in a new year of learning. This was a very special Mass celebration as not only did we welcome our new Reception students, other new students, and staff to Star of the Sea, but we also welcomed Father Manu to our community. We look forward to getting to know him more as we journey together this year.
During our Mass we gave thanks for our wonderful school. We prayed that we all continue to live out our school values of Respect, Inclusivity, Compassion, Collaboration and Honesty. This year our focus will be on the value of Respect. Therefore, we are reminded to always be respectful to ourselves, to others and our environment.
We prayed that we always open our hearts to God and show each other the love Jesus showed us and that we have open minds to accept what challenges come our way and to be willing to be accepting of everyone and everything.
Next week we begin our Lenten journey. Lent is the six-week period leading up to Easter. It’s one of the most important times of year for many Christians around the world.
Lent is a time for praying, giving , fasting, or giving something up. Just as we carefully prepare for events in our personal lives, as a wedding, or birthday, Lent invites us to make our minds and hearts ready for remembering Jesus’ life, death, and body resurrection.
Shrove Tuesday
Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday. All our students will celebrate this day by eating pancakes. A huge thank you to our parent volunteers who are coming to assist with cooking and serving our pancakes. Thank you also to our Year 4 families who will provide all the pancake mixture.
Ash Wednesday
Our school community will begin the season of Lent by receiving the ashes at our school Mass or Liturgy on Ash Wednesday. Next week, each class and family will receive a project compassion box to take home for the duration of Lent.
This year's Project Compassion theme is “FOR ALL FUTURE GENERATIONS”.
This phrase is a powerful affirmation that the good that we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come. It is also a call for all of us to play our part in making the world a better place by working together as sisters and brothers in finding long-term solutions to global issues.
With Gratitude,
Domenique Laurendi
Sheena Pattinson
Teacher | Leader of Learning | Acting REC

During the course of a year, you may find yourself in a situation where you are unsure or concerned about something involving the school. Most matters can be resolved very simply and easily through an informal discussion with the appropriate person. We appreciate parents/caregivers bringing their concerns to our attention, so please don’t hesitate to make a mutually convenient time to meet with your child’s Class Teacher if it is a class related matter, or the contacts listed below depending on the issue.
If, however you feel that a more formal approach is needed, the best course of action will be determined by the type of concern that you have.
If your concern is about an individual classroom, student or program issue, the first person to talk to is the Classroom Teacher. Teachers appreciate parents bringing issues to their attention and matters can often be resolved quickly and easily by talking to the teacher. If however you are not satisfied with the outcome of this, the next thing to do is to make a time to discuss the matter with the Principal or Deputy.
If you have a concern about the day-to-day operations of the School, which is a matter that is not directly concerning individual staff members or classes, but rather with the overall well-being of the School, please speak to the Principal or Deputy.
Your query may be about a program run by one of our Specialist Areas. If so please make a mutually convenient time to talk to any of the following:
Sheena Pattinson/Domenique Laurendi(Acting RECs) RE/Sacramental Programs
Kristen Victory Sport/PE
Tania Condelli Italian
Allison Sammut STARS Literacy Support
Kelly Manera Inclusive Education
Jessica Stewart Science
Kirsty Jewel Music
Lisa Lata Art
If you have a concern about an issue that is part of the School Board’s area of responsibility, which includes policy development, financial management, pastoral care of children, parents and staff and planning, you should speak to the Principal, the Deputy or a School Board Member.
The Parents and Friends support social events.
If you are uncertain about whom to approach, you can seek clarification from the Principal, Deputy or a School Board Member.
The names of School Board and Parents and Friends Members are listed in the Newsletter from time to time. They may be contacted by leaving a message at the School Office. A Parent Committee Member may bring relevant or appropriate matters to the Parents meeting, subject to consultation with the Chairpersons of the Groups, and prior listing on the meeting’s agenda.
If after taking action in accordance with the steps outlined above and you believe your concerns have not been addressed satisfactorily, you may approach the Catholic Education Office, either by phone or in writing. The Catholic Education Office has advised that its practice is not to get involved in pursuing matters raised with them, unless the above procedure has already been followed. They will suggest to people that they follow the above procedure with the school.
It is hoped that these procedures will be useful should you ever have the need to contact anyone here at Star of the Sea. It is sincerely hoped that we can work together should any issue arise as most are resolvable.
Current School Board Members include:
Dave Slovinec
Brad Dunstan
Elizabeth Sarris
Kirsty McCulloch
Mark Hayes
Katerina Andrushenko
Click on link below.
Last Wednesday many students participated in the Star of the Sea Swimming Carnival. We want to thank Immanuel College for letting us use their pool and school facilities.
This day certainly wouldn’t be possible without Mrs Victory, Mrs Manera and Mr Weeks for putting together this incredible day.
We want to congratulate the Gold team for pulling together a successful win. Also, to the other house teams for participating and trying their best.
Sienna and I(Saoirse) had so much fun racing in six different events. It was a memorable experience for it was our last SOTS Swimming Carnival.
Sienna and Saorise
Year 6 Students

Important Dates
CARTnevale Parade 9.15am
Board Meeting 6.30pm
Shrove Tuesday
Ash Wednesday
Sport News
SACPSSA Swim Team has been emailed to students who where selected to participate.
SAPSASA Swim Team will be emailed once final notifications have come through from District Convenor.
Cricket is starting this weekend, all teams have been emailed. Further information will come from your coaches and team managers.
Netball and basketball will commence next week more information will come from your coahces and team maagers.
Thank you
Kristen Victory
School Fees 2023
2023 School Fee statements will sent home to families via the students next week. Please check your child’s bag later in the week for this. Fee statements will be sent home to all families including those who have made automatic payment deduction arrangements for information.
If you have any questions regarding your school fees please do not hesitate to contact our new Finance Manager, Karyn Burlow via email at
Volunteering at Star of the Sea School
Volunteer Requirements:
- Collect a Volunteer Pack from the Front Office
- Complete and read and sign off on all documents in the pack
- 100 points of identity must be presented to the Front Office, of which one form must contain a photograph (e.g. Passport of Driver’s Licence)
- Show proof of vaccination at the front office
- All volunteers at Star of the Sea School must hold a current certificate for Responding to Abuse and Neglect or equivalent. This training is available online
- Please select “Volunteer”, then relevant location. We recommend using Google Chrome web browser to access and complete this training due to compatibility issues. You will be required to complete this training and provide the Front Office with a copy. Please note that this training needs to be completed before we can send off your WWCC for processing.
Shrove Tuesday 21 February.

On the day each child will be provided with one pancake with toppings. These pancakes will be cooked by our parent volunteers.
This year we are asking all Year 4 Families if they could please donate one container of pancake mixture. A tried-and-true school batter recipe is below. We ask that all families please follow this recipe for consistency of mixtures.
Pancake Recipe
2 ½ cups of self-raising flour
2 eggs
2 ½ cups milk
(NO low fat milk thanks!)
Mix together thoroughly and pour into a 2L milk container and send to school on Tuesday 21st February.
Thank you.
Allergy Aware School

Star of the Sea School is concerned about the safety and well-being of all our students. Many of you will know someone who is affected by anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction. Our school does its best to be an allergy aware school. Staff have had training in severe allergy management and we have implemented lots of strategies to help keep students at risk of anaphylaxis as safe as we can. We have a number of students who live with the risk of anaphylaxis to foods and insect stings. Whilst these children are being taught to care for themselves at an age appropriate level, we ask that you help us educate your child on the importance of not sharing food with others, washing hands after eating and calling out to an adult if they think their friend with allergies is sick. With increased awareness and understanding of anaphylaxis, you will be able to help protect those around you.
A food allergy is an immune system response to a normally harmless food protein that the body believes is harmful. When the individual eats food containing that protein, the immune system releases massive amounts of chemicals, triggering symptoms that can affect a person’s breathing, gastrointestinal tract, skin, and/or heart. Anaphylaxis is the most severe form of allergic reaction and is potentially life-threatening. It must be treated as a medical emergency, requiring immediate treatment and urgent medical attention.
It is estimated that up to 400,000 (2%) Australians, including 1 in 20 children suffer from food allergies and some of them will experience a life-threatening (anaphylactic) reaction.
Symptoms of food allergy can include:
Mild to moderate allergic reaction
- Tingling of the mouth
- Hives, welts or body redness
- Swelling of the face, lips, eyes
- Vomiting, abdominal pain (note these are signs of a severe allergic reaction if the person has insect allergy)
Severe allergic reaction- anaphylaxis
- Difficult/noisy breathing
- Swelling of the tongue
- Swelling or tightness in the throat
- Difficulty talking or hoarse voice
- Wheeze or persistent cough
- Persistent dizziness or collapse
- Pale and floppy (young children)
9 foods cause 90% of food allergies. These foods are:
- Egg
- Milk
- Peanut
- Tree nuts (cashew, almond, pistachio etc)
- Wheat
- Sesame
- Soy
- Fish
- Crustacea (prawns, lobster, crabs etc)
Peanuts are the leading cause of severe allergic reactions, followed by tree nuts, shellfish, fish and milk. Adrenaline/epinephrine is the first line treatment for severe allergic reactions and can be administered via auto-injector, called the EpiPen®.
To learn more about anaphylaxis and food allergies, go to and
As the only way to manage a food allergy is avoidance, the school has implemented several strategies to help prevent a severe allergic reaction. We can never totally eliminate the risk of an anaphylaxis but we can all do things that will help lessen the risk. Please consider the child with food allergy when packing your child’s lunch or when sending in food for any occasion, including school excursions. Foods that ‘May contain traces of nuts or nut products’ are fine for the non- allergic students to consume at school as long as they do not share food.

Parents & Friends Newsletter
Welcome to the February edition of the Star of the Sea Parents & Friends (P&F) Committee newsletter. In this edition we'll introduce you to some of our wonderful committee members for 2023, meet the President and highlight some of the exciting events coming up for our school community. Click on link below.
Latest OSHC Newsletter

Click on link below
Scholastic Book Club

Orders for Edition 1 2023 close on Friday 17th February. Late orders will not be accepted. Orders must be placed via the Scholastic ordering/payment system by visiting scholastic, click on the link, alternatively you can download the LOOP App from App Store or Google Play Store. Your order will be electronically linked to the rest of our school order.
You do not need to complete the paper order form.
Thank you
