Newsletter Term 1 Week 5
Dear Families
Well, the school is almost in full operational mode as all nine curriculum areas gear up. Although, it is worth giving a reminder that students alternate a half year of learning in Italian and Art, doing only one of these each semester.
Many families have taken the opportunity to “meet the teacher” and share information about their child. Personalised Plans for Learning (PPL’s), that were developed last year, were a small point of discussion, as we now begin revising these for the new year. PPL’s are the formal way of planning and tracking the learning of those students progressing more slowly than we would expect, and a way of continually communicating with families about the plans we have for learning.
There will be another formal opportunity to meet with teachers early next term for Parent/Teacher interviews. This is a very important opportunity for discussion where teachers will report on progress, especially if there are any difficulties arising. It will also an opportunity to share the updated PPL for any children that have one.
As the term has moved on we have noticed quite an increase in children arriving at school quite early. 8:20am is the earliest any child should be on the school grounds, this is when we have yard duty teachers in spaces the children are allowed to be, to look after them. If you require an earlier drop off please book your child into our OSHC program.
Our first meeting was held last week and began with a tour of the school before getting down to business. Members of the Board would like to welcome everyone back to school. We would like to bring the following items to your attention.
- Building
Our project continues to be on time and on cost, as at the end of February. The majority of the work remaining involves outside painting and landscaping. Work has begun on removing the rubble from the basketball courts, with the work huts being removed earlier this week. The music tutorial rooms are finished, but to get the courts underway, we have agreed to these becoming the Builders offices. Internally, the mid-year Transition classes are being turned into a Year 1 classroom and a breakout space. This work is progressing very well and with any luck Year 1MF will relocate before the end of term.
- Oval
We are hopeful that the grass has had a chance to establish itself and next week we will slowly introduce ball games to one half of the oval. There will be a roster allowing all year levels equal access. The other half of the oval will be available for other activities.
- Volunteers
Post-Covid it has been noted around the world that people volunteering their time has dropped substantially. It was hoped that numbers would naturally return to pre-covid levels but this has not been the case and we have noticed this in our school community. If you have a few hours to spare during the day you might consider volunteering in your child’s class or even the canteen, which is always looking for volunteers. If you have some spare time in the evening you might consider joining our Parents and Friends. There are many benefits of volunteering but there are also great spinoffs when volunteering in your child’s school. This shared experience strengthens parent-child bonds and reinforces the value of collaboration and mutual support.
Kind regards
Damian Weeks
Recent News
Dear Parents and Friends,
Welcome to Week 5! We are already halfway through the school term. How time flies! The students have settled in so well to Star of the Sea including our almost 100 new students across years R-6 this year. We have had a wonderful start to the year with some great events already for our students and families, with more to come this term and throughout the year.
Classroom Pulse Check Survey
Each term students in the Classroom Pulse Check Survey. The purpose of the Classroom Pulse Check In is to find out how students are feeling about their experience of school. Students will participate in the Survey over Weeks 5 and 6 of each term.
Our aim is simply to “check in” with our students and measure how they are feeling.
Your child’s responses will help us to identify any potential social, emotional or learning needs that they may have.
As you can see below, there are a range of simple questions about your child’s life at school, their identity as a person and a learner, their sense of belonging, safety, and friendships.
My teacher cares for me. |
I enjoy school. |
YEAR 4 - YEAR 12 |
I currently feel I matter to my teacher. |
I currently feel that I am thriving at this school. |
I am learning at school. |
I can have a say in my learning. |
YEAR 4 – YEAR 12 |
I am actively involved in co-constructing my learning. |
I feel that my learning needs are being met. |
I have friends at school. |
My teacher helps me when I have problems. |
YEAR 4 – YEAR 12 |
Currently, I feel I have positive relationships at this school. |
When asked, my teacher supports me in managing friendship issue. |
I feel safe at school. |
I feel I belong in this school. |
YEAR 4 – YEAR 12 |
I am feeling safe at this school. |
I feel that I belong in this school community. |
For each statement, students will select whether they feel it applies to them “most of the time,” “sometimes” or “not very often.” Students in Reception – Year 3 will have emojis alongside the options to help them identify their feelings.
A sample of the Check In can be found here
In addition to supporting your child, de-identified data from all participating schools will be used by Catholic Education SA to identify trends to assist in future planning for the support of the learning and wellbeing for students across South Australia.
Catholic Education SA believes that our role is to help every child to be a thriving person, capable learner and a leader for the world God desires.
We believe this Check In will play an important part in supporting that goal and your child.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you require any further clarification.
We are experiencing a variety of illnesses in our school at the moment, and I would like to remind parents to please keep their children home if they are not well, especially if they are showing symptoms such as a gastro, a sore throat, cough, or fever. Thank you for your support in keeping our school community safe and minimising the disruption to learning that can occur when illness circulates the school.
Our P&F have been busy supporting our Lunch Time Clubs this year and have donated funds for purchasing new games, puzzles, Lego and Duplo. The P&F will be running an Easter Raffle this year with further funds provided to our Lunch Time Club throughout the year to purchase resources as required. We thank the P&F for getting behind our clubs and supporting our school as well as they do.
Below are some photos of Lunch Time club with our new resources. Lots of very happy faces.
Have a happy and safe fortnight.
Annette Diassinas
Yesterday we came together as a school community to celebrate our first Whole School Assembly for 2024. Our student leaders were presented with their badges which had been blessed by Father Manu at our whole school mass the week before.
Student Representative Council
What is the Student Representative Council (SRC)?
The Student Council is a student-based group designed to help promote school spirit, student voice and leadership among students.
Students participating in the Student Council maintain a high standard of personal conduct, which reflect our values and school motto.
As members of the Student Council, students participate in approved activities, which serve to enhance the quality of both the physical and behaviour environment of the school.
Student council meetings are facilitated by Domenique Laurendi.
Congratulations to the following students who were presented with their SRC badge yesterday. I look forward to working with you in this important role within our school.
Snow and John |
RH |
Arcadius and Cleo |
RD |
Tiffany and Theo |
1MF |
Sofia and Harvey |
1T |
Frankie and Harvey |
1DF |
Paris and Jack |
2P |
Bastien and Ivie |
2T |
William and Anika |
2J |
Kian and Salina |
3C |
George and Florence |
3G |
Annika and Antonio |
3S |
Gabriella and Alessio |
4TO |
Sloan and Connor |
4T |
Isla and Arlo |
4F |
Abigail and Dino |
5P |
Allegra and Marcus |
5D |
Matthew and Zara |
5SJ |
Michael and Elana |
6C |
Lukas and Ella |
6KS |
Fletcher, Chloe and Zara |
6JS |
Sophia and Sebella |
Justice Leaders
This year we have formed a new leadership group called our Justice Leaders. My vision for this role is to work with a group of students who are passionate about Social Justice and will lead our whole school in the areas of Prayer & Liturgy and Social Justice projects.
We have already met and discussed many of the initiatives they will lead. I am very excited to watch this role develop and evolve throughout the year.
Congratulations to the following students who applied for the role and were selected.
- Lucy
- Georgia
- Chloe
- Ella
- Emerson
- Evie
- Fletcher
- Riley
- Eve
- Alessio
- Zoe
With Gratitude,
Domenique Laurendi
Dear Families,
Welcome to Week 5! It was wonderful to have so many families join us for our whole school assembly yesterday. We presented our SRC, Justice and House Leaders with their badges but reminded all our young people that we can lead without a badge too. Leading with humility, respect, and compassion just like Jesus, is something we can all aspire to do in our own way.
In addition to the presentation ceremony, we focussed on our school value of Inclusivity and shared what this school value represents for us at Star of the Sea. Our message that ‘Everyone Belongs’ is going to be front and centre in our words and actions this year. We will strive to celebrate our uniqueness, our cultural diversity and ensure everyone feels welcome. In Week 8, during Harmony Week, as a school we will engage in activities and actions that bring diversity to the fore. Below are some sentiments about inclusivity shared by some of our students.
Tilda (Year 4): I have just started at Star of the Sea this year. I have come from Queensland, and I have felt very welcomed. To me, being inclusive means when people invite you to play with them. It is also when you don’t feel lonely at school. It is like a spark of happiness.
Leo (Year 4): Inclusivity is valuing everyone’s thoughts. It is great that we are all different. That’s what makes us special.
Isaac (Year 2): Inclusivity means including others in games.
Emmeline (Year 2): Inclusivity is being kind to people and sharing.
Children’s University
The Children’s University program will be offered again this year to all children in Years 2-6. It is a wonderful enrichment program to support our learners to experience new opportunities. Children’s University Australia (CUA) aims to provide high-quality outside of school activities to children, engaging the wider community as learning partners in this process. An important principle of Children’s University is that participation is voluntary and is intentionally something other than school related activities. Further information can be found on our school web page, and I encourage you to speak with your child about engaging in the program for 2024.
Or for further information you can visit the Children’s University website:
Celebrating Neurodiversity: 18 - 24 March 2024
Celebrating neurodiversity is not just about accepting differences, it's about recognising and celebrating the unique strengths and perspectives that neurodiverse individuals bring to the world. Did you know that approximately 15-20% of the population has a neurological difference. We use the term neurodiversity instead of deficits or disorders as it takes a far more balanced and holistic view of the individual’s strengths and challenges. Often many of these ‘challenges’ have more to do with the environment, systems in place or societal views.
Depending on how our brains are wired we think, move, process information, and communicate in different ways. Many people in our community use neurodiversity as an umbrella term to describe alternative thinking styles such as Dyslexia, DCD (Dyspraxia), Dyscalculia, Autism and ADHD. But regardless of labels, neurodiversity is about recognising those who think differently….. and there is no doubt we can all benefit from different thinkers in our world. The link below may be a useful guide for information and resources for parents and educators alike.
Enjoy the weekend ahead!
God bless,
Kelly Manera
Assistant Principal Learning and Wellbeing
Important Dates
Sacrament of Reconciliation 7pm in the Church
Year 1 Excursion Belair National Park
NAPLAN Testing
NAPLAN Testing
NAPLAN Testing
Children's Parish Mass Year 2
Sacramental Program Dates 2024

Sacrament of Reconciliation (only if your child is celebrating Reconciliation for the first time)
Thursday 7 March 7:00pm in the OLSH Church
Family Catechesis Workshops
Tuesday 13 August 7:00pm in the OLSH Church
Tuesday 20 August 7:00pm in the OLSH Church
Sacramental Retreat Day (for children only)
Friday 30 August at Star of the Sea School
Family Practice (including the Sponsor)
Wednesday 4 September 7:00pm in the Church
Sacrament of Confirmation
Vicar General, Fr Dean Marin
Tuesday 10 September 7:00pm
Thursday 12 September 7:00pm
Tuesday 17 September 7:00pm
Sacrament of First Holy Communion
Saturday 21 September 6:00pm
Sunday 22 September 11:00am
Sunday 22 September 5:30pm
Please lock these dates in your diary.
School Fees 2024
2024 School Fee statements were sent home to all families via students this week. This statement is the total of tuition fees for the 2024 school year.
Please see attached for all the information regarding school fees for 2024.
Class Reps
Thank you to Class Parent Reps who have put their hands up this year. The Class Rep system is an important role in the school and helps with communication and dissemination of information. I would like to thank Jade Pounendis for agreeing to take on the Class Parent Rep Coordinator role this year. There will be a number of occasions throughout the year when Jade will be calling on the support of parents via the Parent Rep system. To help keep in contact with families and to distribute information efficiently emails are the best method. Class email lists will be generated and made available to Class Reps for the sole purpose of class business. If you do not want your email address to be made available (blind copied) then please contact Vivian Andrews at the front office. If we do not hear from you by Wednesday 6 March, we will assume you are ok for your details to be forwarded to your Class Parent Rep.
Kind regards
Damian Weeks
Sport Reminders

- Soccer registration due Thursday 14 March 2024 via QKR!
- Airport District Swimming Carnival Wednesday 6 March 2024
- SACPSSA Swimming Carnival Sec 1 Monday 25 March 2024

St Michaels All Angels Netball Club invites all 5-8 year olds to our netball skills development program. Please note that age is calculated as at the 1/1/24.
This is a great introduction to netball, developing fundamental skills in preparation to play or just for fun.
Sessions will be run by specialised coaches and is a great opportunity to learn new skills, co-ordination and the rules of netball whilst having fun and making friends.
The total cost is $60 and includes a 6 x 1 hour training sessions with specialised coaches, an includes a SMAA water bottle.
The specialised sessions will be held at the SMAA Netball Club at 3 Military Road, West Beach on Sunday mornings on the following dates:
Sunday 19/5
Sunday 26/5
Sunday 2/6
Sunday 16/6
Sunday 23/6
Sunday 30/6
(The session will not run on the 9/6 due to the long weekend)
Please scan the QR Code below or click here to book your spot!
Any questions can be directed to
We look forward to seeing you all in May!
