Newsletter Term 1 Week 8
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Last year we faced many changes due to Covid-19. One of those changes was the creativity around the AGM. A take-away from this experience is to build on that creativity and new ways of operating.
The School Board and will be using a newsletter based Annual General Meeting. AGM’s are held to give the opportunity for the Board to report to its community, giving an account of the tasks it has undertaken on behalf of the community. We will be using a newsletter based AGM in an effort to report to all families. The format this year will include the following:
AGM reports – all reports will be published in the newsletter during week 2 (Thursday May 6th). This section consists of reports from the Chairperson, Principal, Parish, P&F and Treasurer/Bursar (including a summary of the budget for this year).
Nominations – Included in this newsletter is a Nomination Form. Please consider if you would like to take up this most important role. Below is a description of the role of a School Board member. If you wish to nominate, return the signed form after having someone in the community (ie another adult) sign to second your nomination. Nominations close on Friday April 9th. In the event of more nominations being received than necessary, a system of voting will take place via the newsletter on Thursday May 6th. Click here to view the Nomination Form.
AGM – will be held on Monday May 24th at 7:00pm. There will be no reading out of reports, this meeting is an opportunity for anyone in our community to come along to ask questions regarding the published reports (like a Town Hall meeting). We anticipate this will be brief, once questions are concluded the current School Board will hold their last meeting and those who have come for questions will leave.
What do School Board Members Do?
The faith community has a responsibility for the maintenance and development of its Catholic school. A practical way of accepting its responsibility is to appoint some of its members to use their gifts in working with the principal and staff in School Board ministry.
There are 5 elements of community responsibility that the School Board undertakes:
- Policy Direction – to guide the school
- Financial Management – to account for and administer all income
- Planning & Development – for the present & future
- Pastoral Care – is care for people (students, parents & staff)
- Evaluation – of the effect of policy decisions
The School Board meets monthly during the four school terms (on the Monday of weeks 5 & 9 at 7pm). Meetings run for no longer than two hours, at which discussion is based around reports from the P&F, Principal, Parish, Staff, Treasurer/Bursar and other key groups.
If you require any further information please feel free to contact me.
Damian Weeks
Recent News

“There is nothing so great as the Eucharist. If God had something more precious, God would have given it to us.” Saint John Vianney
Our Sacramental Program 2021 will begin later in the year. You might have been wondering when our Parish, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, and Star of the Sea, will celebrate these special milestones for our children. Archbishop Patrick O’Regan has asked us to be patient as the Church moves forward with restrictions still very much in place. Our Lady of the Sacred Heart has a maximum of 210 people at present.
Information about First Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist will be distributed in Term Two, with celebrations held in Terms Three and Four. Our parish will welcome a new Missionary of the Sacred Heart Parish Priest over the coming months. Watch this space for further updates regarding this exciting news.
If your child was involved in the Sacramental Program last year, I am sure you would agree with Fr Paul and me that our intimate liturgical celebrations were reverent and cherished by all. We successfully turned challenges into positives for our community. Fr Dennis Rochford, as our Acting Parish Priest, has written a letter to the Parish community regarding the sacraments. See link below.
May your weekend be blessed with harmony, as we celebrate Colours of the World for Children of the World and our Family Fun Day.

A Pastoral Letter from the Bishops of Australia to the leaders, staff, students and families of Catholic education in Australia.
A reminder that all sporting information will come out through the Skoolbag app and registrations are made through Qkr!. If you do not have either of these apps please feel free to see the office staff for support with downloading the apps or to ask any questions. Once you have registered using Qkr! please ensure that the registration has gone through by checking the receipts section in the app. If you do not have a receipt, then it hasn’t gone through.
Registrations for Football and Soccer are now closed. Teams will be out shortly however we are still looking for coaches, team managers, Covid marshals, etc.
Swimming Carnivals
In the past 2 weeks selected students have attended both the SAPSASA District Swimming Carnival and the SACPSSA Swimming Carnival. A great day was had by all and once again all students did Star of the Sea proud.
As a result of the SAPSASA District day we had 8 students selected to represent Airport Districts at the Metro SAPSASA swimming carnival. Congratulations to Dana C, Saoirse H, Lucy S, Anastasia C, Zoe S, Sienna C, Myles M and Harrison R along with Sanur McMahon and Conor Stanton, past Star of the Sea students.
At the SACPSSA Swimming Carnival Star of the Sea had a very successful day, the students won the following:-
Overall Girls Carnival and Overall Boys Carnival, it was a sensational day, Congratulations to all students!
Group SACPSSA Swimming Team
Yr 3 Boys Age Champions
Yr 3 Girls Age Champions
Yr 4 Boys Age Champions
Yr 4 Girls Age Champions
Yr 5 Boys Age Champions
Abe S., Saoirse H and Jimmy B all won Individual Age Champions

The Year 1's travelled by bus to Belair National park for an exciting cubby building experience. We met Cameron and Lauren who explained what we had to do. We worked in teams using natural resources to build a cubby big enough for us all to sit in. Our parent helpers assisted us to move the really big logs. We had so much fun and we even got to eat our lunch in our cubbies.
Year 4LK went to the beach on Monday for our Marine Trail with Karno.
What a wonderful way to start the week!

Important Dates
Casual Day
Board Meeting
Volunteer Induction Meeting @ 5pm Stella Maris Building
SAPSASA Metro Swimming Carnival
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Sports Day at Santos Stadium
Term Dates 2021
Term 1 Wednesday 27 January to Friday 9 April
Term 2 Wednesday 28 April to Friday 2 July
Term 3 Tuesday 20 July to Friday 24 September
Term 4 Tuesday 12 October to Friday 10 December
Casual Day
Friday 19 March - Casual Day Wear bright colours
Colours of the World for Children of the World
Casual Day supporting the children of Caritas projects.
Pay via QKR under School Events or cash in Project Compassion Boxes.
Please support our major fundraiser for Project Compassion and Caritas this year.
Family Fun Day

- Supervision begins on the school lower courts at 8.20am and the first school bell to move to class sounds at 8.45am. Any students at school before 8.20am will need to go to OHSC.
- Upper Court Yard area outside of OHSC is not a supervised area prior to school and all students are expected to be in the lower courts area where there is a staff member on duty.
- Please remember that you are not allowed to park over the residents’ driveways. Residents are getting very frustrated and in the case of an emergency they are unable to get out.
- For everyone’s safety, please use the Marlborough Street School Crossing at all times when crossing the road.
Star Outreach

Star Outreach

Sport Dates For Term 1 2021
Metro SAPSASA Swimming Carnival –Thursday 25 March
Metro State Softball Carnival for Years 5-6 - Monday 29 March to Wednesday 31 March
Star of the Sea School Sports Day – Tuesday 18 May
These are the dates that have been set so far so mark them in your diaries!
Please note the Athletics carnivals will begin in Term 3.