Newsletter Term 1 Week 8
Dear Families,
Congratulations to all the members of our swimming team on their very successful results at the Catholic Schools Swimming Carnival.
Congratulation also to Matt Perry who will be the Acting Principal at Christ the King Warradale next term.
After 21 years teaching at Star of the Sea, our Italian Teacher, Karen Andrews, is to retire at the end of the term. Karen is currently on leave (and interstate for a family wedding), so we may not get the chance to farewell her this term.
Next term we will be holding the AGM on May 5th, 7:00pm in the Stella Maris Building and all parents are invited to attend (COVID restrictions permitting). This will be a more traditional AGM at which voting for new members will occur. There will be more information about this next term.
At this stage there is still not change in the current rules but there is a lot happening in this area. The current situation is this…
For parents you are generally being asked to refrain from coming onto the school site. Of course, there will be exceptions to this, but if you come onto the school grounds, please wear your mask.
A local, approved decision, to parents coming on-site, relates to Reception and Year 1 parents. Due to the fact that our school is surrounded by busy roads we are allowing these parents to drop-off and pick up using the MDC asphalt area. If you are doing this, please wear your mask and practice social distancing.
We are asking all parents to refrain from entering classrooms/buildings at all times unless it is absolutely necessary. We have begun onsite/face to face meetings where necessary.
COVID restrictions for schools are meant to be revised and implemented on Monday. The new Education Minister is being sworn in today so we will see how quickly action happens! There is a large amount of print media about this area, the source has been the Premier and Rick Persse (CEO, Department for Education). There has been talk of increased testing, individual classes and schools returning to remote learning and even extending the April school holidays. If anything changes for next week, we will communicate this via SkoolBag.
Some parents have enquired about the school calendar not being published this term. Due to COVID we made a decision not to publish a term’s worth of dates, simple due to the rules changing every four weeks, it is hard to predict what we can and cannot do. Take the last week for example, we were unsure whether the swimming carnival could happen and we had to cancel the whole school performance for Harmony day. These decisions are often made late the week before! Excursions and Camps have been planned for, changed and at times just cancelled. You may have noticed in our newsletter that we try and publish up and coming important dates. We have also been making far great use of SkoolBag this term to notify parents about changes. This week we did send out a school calendar, via SkoolBag.
Just a reminder that the next formal opportunity to meet with teachers will be early next term (weeks 2 & 3), when we hold our Parent Teacher Interviews.
Currently teachers are putting in a lot of work in the background collecting information for the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). In our school nearly 100 students are included in this process.
The NCCD is a collection that counts:
- the number of school students receiving an adjustment or ‘help’ due to disability
- the level of adjustment they are receiving to access education on the same basis as other students.
Students are counted in the NCCD if they receive ongoing adjustments at school due to disability. This ‘help’ allows them to access education on the same basis as a child without disability. The NCCD uses the definition of disability in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.
Funding from the Australian Government for students with disability is based on the NCCD through the student with disability loading.
Students with disability who are counted in the top three levels of the NCCD (extensive, substantial and supplementary) attract the loading. Funding is based on a per-student amount at each of the three levels of additional support. The amount of the loading reflects the level of support students with disability need to participate fully in school, with higher funding for those who need higher levels of support.
An adjustment is an action to help a student with disability take part in education on the same basis as other students.
Adjustments can be made across the whole school (eg ramps into school buildings). They can be in the classroom (eg adapting teaching methods). They can also be for individual student need (eg providing personal care support).
The school assesses the needs of each student with disability. The school provides adjustments in consultation with the student and/or their parents, guardians and carers.
Schools must make reasonable adjustments if needed. The Disability Standards for Education 2005 define ‘reasonable adjustment’ as an adjustment that balances the interests of all parties affected.
Schools identify which students will be counted in the NCCD. They base their decisions on the following:
• adjustments provided for the student (after consultation with the student and/or their parents, guardians and carers)
• the school team’s observations and professional judgements
• any medical or other professional diagnoses
• other relevant information.
School Principals must ensure that information for the NCCD is accurate.
PUPIL FREE DAY – TERM 2, Monday May 2nd
While this day was meant to be devoted to Faith Formation. Due to the workload teachers are under, we have decided to change the focus and we will use this time to allow staff to work on the NCCD process. Usually, we would have provided some time out of the classroom, this term, to do this work, however it is very hard to come by relief teachers now that COVID is so entrenched. This will also take the pressure off our teachers with this important work.
The last day of term is Thursday April 14th. This will be a casual day, just for fun (no money required). Children will be dismissed at the usual time (3:05pm).
Damian Weeks
Recent News
Hello Friends,
I hope you had a chance to experience the excitement and thrill of the Adelaide Fringe Festival and catch a couple of shows that were on during what is traditionally called ‘mad march’. I also hope you have had a chance to enjoy this fantastic Autumn weather. I had the pleasure of witnessing a few sunsets of late which have proved visually fantastic. I also extend my thanks for the well wishes I have received as I prepare to head to Christ the King School in Term 2. I am looking forward to another professional challenge and the new learning and Iook forward to bringing my new skills back to Star of the Sea in Term 3.
I would like to extend a thank you to our staff here at school for their flexibility and support as we navigate these Covid times and attempt to replace our staff with regular TRT to allow for learning continuity in our classrooms. As you would be aware both testing positive to Covid and being a close contact means extended absences from the classrooms and the learning roles for our staff. I would also like to say thank you to our community for their support and understanding as we navigate these challenges.
Seaview Rd
Traffic congestion on Seaview Rd has now reached a dangerous point with motorists continuing to stop on the northern side of the crossing waiting to collect students. Our road monitors and pedestrians find it nearly impossible to see oncoming traffic when there are cars parked near the crossing and along the yellow clearway zone. I remind everyone that the entire side of the crossing between the Seaview Rd gate and Marlborough St is a NO PARKING ZONE. Council inspectors are now monitoring this section of road and will fine motorists for parking or stopping in this area. I ask that you share this information with anyone in your family or friendship circle who pick up and drop children to school.
To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others. Tony Robbins
Thanks and Blessings
Matt Perry
Third Week of Lent (Week beginning Monday 21st March)
We are now in the third week of Lent with the Project Compassion story of Janice, a Wagilak woman and traditional dancer who tells her family’s stories through movements handed down over generations.
Like many remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, Janice’s faces a range of challenges – low employment and education, financial hardship, poorer health and lower life expectancy.
With your help, Caritas Australia supports Djilpin Arts Aboriginal Corporation, which operates a centre for traditional and contemporary Aboriginal arts and culture, providing employment and generating income for local communities.
Janice believes that Djilpin Arts’ work is essential to create opportunities for young people to stay on-country, to share intergenerational knowledge between elders and the younger generation - to promote healing, and to keep culture alive.
Watch a short film about Janice’s story here.
Please support Project Compassion:
On Thursday 24th March the Year 5 classes celebrated their Liturgy with the provocation: How can we shine our light into the world?
It was an opportunity to come together as a class and use the Gospel reading (Luke 13: 6-9) to reflect on different ways we can let our light shine through our fruits of generosity and compassion.

Harmony Day is on the 21 March and celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. The Year 1’s celebrated Harmony Day by wearing orange because it symbolises sharing of ideas in a meaningful and respectful way.
Facts about Harmony Day
- More than 60 indigenous languages are spoken in Australia
- Around 45% of Australians were born overseas or have at least one
parent who was.
- Apart from English, the most common languages spoken in Australia
are Mandarin, Italian, Arabic, Cantonese, Greek, Vietnamese,
Tagalog/Filipino, Spanish and Hindi.

Reilly has recognised humanity and the common good through her reflection of ‘If I ran the world’.
Well done Reilly, you are a leader for the world God desires.

On Monday, Star of the Sea School was involved in the Catholic Schools Swimming Carnival at Burnside and what a day it was. We started last week with 36 competitors, by yesterday we were down to 22 and wow those 22 students who attended were amazing! All students stepped up to the mark, their sportsmanship was above and beyond. We had students who had to move up the ranks and swim in higher events and we had students who had to fill in events for year levels above them, these students weren’t even selected to swim in that event in their own age group and they won! I have always said that Star of the Sea students are in a league of their own, their willingness to support their teammates, is second to none. They always make me feel proud to be part of the SOS community.
I would also like to say a huge thank you to the parents who attended yesterday. Everyone stepped up to help out with the day, whether it be helping out as an official or helping out with the organization of students. I would have to say this was the carnival where everyone stepped up to support in some way or other. Thank you! Your ongoing support of the sports program is greatly appreciated.
Now onto the day and how we went. Congratulations to:-
- Marco who won the Year 4 Boys Individual Age Champion, Saoirse who won the Year 5 Girls Individual Age Champion and
- Erinn who won the Year 3 Girls Individual Age Champion.
- The Year 3 Girls who won the Yr 3 Girls Overall Age Champion
- The Year 4 Boys who won the Yr 4 Boys Overall Age Champion
- The Year 5 Girls who won the Yr 5 Girls Overall Age Champion
- The Year 6 Boys who won the Yr 6 Boys Overall Age Champion
- The SOS Boys who came first overall on the day
- The SOS Girls who came first overall on the day

Important Dates
Last Day of Term
Casual Day
Pupil Free Day
Term 2 Begins
Mother's Day Stall
The Sacrament of First Reconciliation 2022 Year 3 students
Thank you to the families who have registered their child to participate in the Sacrament of First Reconciliation 2022.
Dates to remember:
Thursday 14 April: Last day to register via email to:
Jhovana Fenu (Acting APRIM)
Wednesday 4 May: Parent/Guardian Information Session 7pm in the Parish Church
Holy Week

Holy Week is the last week of Lent. It is a sacred week which begins on Palm Sunday and concludes on Easter Sunday. We become witnesses of Jesus sacrifice for us, from his entry to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to his death on the cross on Good Friday.
Below are the dates for the Liturgies:
- Monday 11th April: Palm Sunday Liturgy
- Wednesday 13th April: Last Supper Liturgy
- Thursday 14th April: Good Friday Liturgy
Please note we will be following the current SA Health Guidelines at the time of the Liturgies.
Stations of the Cross

This year each year level will be following the Stations of the Cross based on those introduced by Pope John Paul II on Good Friday 1991. Each class will design a sacred space within our school to represent the Scriptural account of Christ’s passion. Classes will then participate in a prayerful reflection during their visit to each Station of the Cross.
Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving

During the season of Lent we have been called to Pray Fast and Almsgiving. ‘Alms’ is what we do and give to people in need. As a school community we are Almsgiving by supporting Project Compassion. We thank our families who are generously giving to Project Compassion through money donations. We have already received a few very filled boxes. Please return filled boxes by Friday 1st April.
Pope Francis names Lent as a propitious time to sow goodness in our lives and cultivate authentic human encounters. He encourages us to be the best we can be by trusting God and generously doing good in the word. In his Homily in 2019 he shared with us this fasting Prayer:
Fast from hurting words and say kind words,
Fast from sadness and be filled with great gratitude,
Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope,
Fast from worries and trust in God,
Fast from pressures and be prayerful,
Fast from bitterness and fill your heart with joy,
Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others,
Fast from grudges and be reconciled,
Fast from words and be silent, so you can listen.
- Pope Francis
Year 5 Liturgy: How can we shine our light into the world?
On Thursday 24 March the Year 5 classes celebrated their Liturgy with the provocation: How can we shine our light into the world?
It was an opportunity to come together as a class and use the Gospel reading (Luke 13: 6-9) to reflect on different ways we can let our light shine through our fruits of generosity and compassion.
Catholic Identity
