Newsletter Term 2 Week 1
Dear Families,
Welcome to term 2. I trust you have had a lovely break from the school routine and maybe your family has had a chance to perhaps have a holiday too!
I had a great two weeks, hooking up my caravan and joining my brother and sisters in Noosa for Easter and then caravanning up the coast for most of the remainder of the holidays.
Now back into the real world!
We welcome to our school Narelle Sandercock, in the role of Acting Deputy for the term. You may recall that Narelle filled the same role at this time last year. Narelle’s substantive position is at Cabra. Narelle is replacing Matt Perry for the term, while he is undertaking an Acting Principal role.
We welcome back Stella Foley to her role as APRIM this term, Stella will be working two days a week in this role. We are also excited to announce that she will be working one day a week as School Chaplain. This has allowed us to also continue the employment of Jhovana Fenu (last term she was Acting APRIM) two days a week to assist Stella with the RE program in our school.
Lauren Romeo joins our Year 1 team. Lauren has returned to SA after teaching in Victoria for some time. Lauren will be working on Friday’s in 1MB.
We also welcome Meg Fuller to our ESO team. Meg will be working across a number of classes supporting students with their learning.
As you would know these are to be held over the next two weeks. This information was sent to families via email last term. The following link will bring you to the PTO website. PTO closes Friday 6 May at midnight
SA Health and the Educational Sector restrictions do not allow us to meet face-to-face for parent/teacher interviews. Teachers will ring the person who made the appointment at the allocated time.
If your child has a Personalised Plan for Learning we would be happy to meet with you face to face this term. If you would like to do this please mention this to your child’s teacher during the phone call.
The interviews will be followed by our Semester 1 reports that will come out at the end of term.
A PPL is a working and evolving document constructed in conjunction with teachers, parents and the leadership team. It is simply a record of the ways in which we are working to best support your child in the classroom, based on our observations over the last term and possibly last year.
The “Functional Impact On Learning” section of the PPL identifies any underlying characteristics that ‘get in the way’ of your child’s access, participation and learning at school. This information then directly informs us as teachers as to how we can best support your child.
The “Personalised Adjustment For Access, Participation and Learning” section is then a list of the strategies, supports and interventions that we are implementing in the classroom to address the functional impact and needs of your child.
In this newsletter you will find information about our AGM to be held on Monday May 30th.
For our students in Years 3 & 5 this testing will begin on Tuesday, May 10th. Catch up tests will take place on Monday – Wednesday of Week 3. There is nothing special that students and families need to do in regard to the tests. It is of course helpful for students to be well rested and fed before coming to school. The testing starts at 9:15 am each day according to the timetable below.
Tuesday 10th May |
Wednesday 11th May |
Thursday 12th May |
Friday 13th May |
Writing |
Reading |
Conventions of Language |
Numeracy |
This term we are publishing a term calendar. Please note all the activities are subject to the Covid rules at the time and therefore may not be able to proceed as planned.
This term we will publish newsletters in weeks 1, 2, 5, 8 & 10 (if needed).
As you know Military Road is going to be out of action for most of the year. The council shared important information about how traffic should move around this area and we are sharing this with you again today.
This week the “Kiss and Drop zone” on Military Rd has been not as safe as we would like. In this newsletter you will find some reminders about the use of these zones.
Where would we be without Mother’s? I hope each and every one of you are spoilt on Sunday and that you get to spend some quality time with you family. Thank you for everything you do for your children and a heartfelt thank you, to so many of the Mum’s, who help out it many and varied ways in our school.
Damian Weeks
Recent News

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
This year, with the easing of Covid restrictions, the School Board is hoping to run a traditional Annual General Meeting on…
Monday May 30th – 7pm in the Stella Maris Room
The format for the evening will be:
- Welcome
- Prayer
- Presentation of reports
- Elections of Board Members
- Thank you from the School Board Chair
Nominations – Included in this newsletter is a Nomination Form(please see file below this article). Please consider if you would like to take up this most important role. Below is a description of the role of a School Board member. If you wish to nominate, return the signed form after having someone in the community (ie another adult) sign to second your nomination. Nominations close on Thursday May 26th. School Board appointment are for two years. Many School Board members renominate for another period of two years, while some choice not to. Every year 50% of the positions become vacant for which community members can nominate.
What do School Board Members Do?
The faith community has a responsibility for the maintenance and development of its Catholic school. A practical way of accepting its responsibility is to appoint some of its members to use their gifts in working with the principal and staff in School Board ministry.
There are 5 elements of community responsibility that the School Board undertakes:
- Policy Direction – to guide the school
- Financial Management – to account for and administer all income
- Planning & Development – for the present & future
- Pastoral Care – is care for people (students, parents & staff)
- Evaluation – of the effect of policy decisions
The School Board meets monthly during the four school terms (on the Monday of weeks 5 & 9 at 7pm). Meetings run for no longer than two hours, at which discussion is based around reports from the P&F, Principal, Parish, Staff, Treasurer/Bursar and other key groups.
If you require any further information, please feel free to contact me.
Damian Weeks

Our utmost concern in these areas is for the safety, health and wellbeing of our students. Drivers displaying courtesy and patience will help us all achieve this goal.
Local government parking regulations are an act of parliament, implemented by the local council and monitored regularly by both the Police and the Charles Sturt City Council. The school does not make the rules for these areas and have no influence over any fines issued.
To encourage the safe use of these areas, please keep the following in mind…
- Drop off / Pick Up Zones are in use from 8am - 9.30am and 2.30pm - 4pm.
- The council actively monitors this area and issue fines to those drivers who are not following the rules, especially the two minute limit (have you noticed the large sign on the Military Road fence).
- When entering the line please remember:
- You must enter the line from the back, you are not to drive along and see a space and quickly turn into it.
- As per council directives please do not do a U turn to enter or exit the line.
- Enter the line at a slow speed, remembering that school zones are 25km.
- Once you are in the line you only have two minutes in this line to wait for your child.
- Drivers are not allowed to exit their car.
- Ensure you are concentrating when you move your car forward in the line as many students go to the back of cars to put bags in car boots and the students themselves can be inattentive, drop things bend over to pick things up, etc.
Thank you for your help with the safety, health and wellbeing of our students.
Damian Weeks
Welcome to Term 2 Families!
I am delighted to be returning to the Star of the Sea School community whilst Matt Perry is Acting Principal at Christ the King School this term. For new families and those I am yet to meet, my name is Narelle Sandercock. It was a privilege to serve the community as Acting Deputy Principal in Term 2 in 2021 and gratefully again this term in 2022.
This week I have been greeted with many friendly and familiar faces! From the staff team, student cohort, Parish and families, I am genuinely excited to be working with you all again. Happy Mother’s Day to all the blessed mums in our community, both with us and those in Heaven. As we journey together this Term, I share the beautiful words of St Mary MacKillop, “Let not your crosses make you unhappy” and “Be a gift of love and compassion for one another”. God Bless.
Narelle Sandercock
Acting Deputy Principal

Welcome to Term 2! Its amazing to think it is 2 years since our whole Covid outbreak began and still we are feeling it repercussions!
This term just for something different the term is beginning with a bang! Tomorrow, Friday we are beginning with SAPSASA Airport Districts Cross Country Carnival. This will be held at Barratt Reserve, West Beach. Only those students who are registered may attend. SACPSSA Cross Country Carnival will be next term with registrations in a couple of weeks. If your child is interested, they will need to start attending beach running on a Wednesday morning at 8am.
Monday is the SAPSASA Metro Swimming Day. This is at the SA Aquatic Swimming Centre at Marion. Students who were selected for this event have already been notified.
If your child is interested in taking part in carnivals, please keep your eyes on the skoolbag app to ensure they do not miss out.
A reminder to all families that all sporting information will come out through the Skoolbag app, if you do not have this app please feel free to see the office staff for support.
All registrations are made through QKR. If you do not have this app once again the office staff are a great resource. Once you have registered using QKR please ensure that the registration has gone through by checking the receipts section in the app. If you do not have a receipt, then it hasn’t gone through.
The football and soccer teams have gone out through email. Soccer and Football both begin Saturday 14 May, 2022.
Kristen Victory
Sports Coordinator / Teacher
Important Dates
SAPSASA Airport Cross-Country
SAPSASA Metro Swimming
NAPLAN Online Testing (Tues-Fri)
Parent Teacher Interviews start
School Tour
Ladies Night

SAPSASA Metro Swimming – Monday 9 May
SAPSASA Airport District Cross Country – Friday 6 May
SAPSASA Metro Football Carnival –Wednesday 25 May to Friday 27 May
SAPSASA Metro Cross Country - Thursday 9 June
SAPSASA Metro Netball & Hockey Carnivals - Wed 22 June to Fri 24 June
SACPSSA Netball Carnival - Wk 10 Date to be confirmed
These are the dates that have been set so far so mark them in your diaries!
Please note the Athletics carnivals will begin in Term 3 and Star of the Sea School Sports day will be in Term 4.

Welcome to our new Little Stars
