Newsletter Term 2 Week 3
Dear Families
School Board AGM
As you know we are running our Annual General Meeting on:
Monday 20 May 2024 – 7pm in the Stella Maris Room
(Come along at 6:45 if you would like some cheese and wine beforehand)
We invite all parents/caregivers to attend the evening. If you have any questions that you would like to ask on the night, I invite you to email them to me at so that we can provide a informed answer.
The format for the meeting is…
Presentation of reports
- President (Father Manu)
- Chair (Dave Slovinec) – includes a summary of sub-committees
- Principal (Damian Weeks)
- Finance (Karyn Burlow) – includes previous year’s summary and current year’s budget
Election of Board members
- Principal runs the election
- Nominations in writing before the meeting from enrolling parents
- Voting is by secret ballot (if necessary)
- No proxy votes are permitted at the meeting
New Board Members are announced
- Chair thanks people for their attendance
- Meeting closes
- Supper is served
New Building Celebrations
This term our new building has been fully operational, and it is simply fantastic. We thought that many parents have not had the opportunity to have a look in this building, so we have decided to hold a casual celebration and offer an opportunity to take a guided tour through the building. Please see our flyer about this informal event!
Student Celebrations
Over this term we have had a number of students excel in different areas…
Ella participated at Trinity Interschool Gymkhana proudly wearing Star of the Sea uniform and being the first ever to represent the school.
There were 99 students from a number of schools across the state.
Ella and Star Heart (aka Pixie) came away with two first ribbons, but most importantly a huge smile on her face after a fun day. Well done Ella.
Sophia was one of 10 players from Australia picked in the Academia De Futebol by Cassio to participate in Mundialito Football Tournament which was played in Spain. Sophia was the only girl to play in the Under 12 Boys competition. She was fortunate enough to be named captain for her team which was another great achievement. Teams participating included some of the biggest clubs in the world from Juventus Sporting, Lisbon Atletico Madrid and from countries around the world Brazil, Argentina,Canada, USA and Europe. Well done Sophia.
Have a great week
Damian Weeks
Recent News
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome to Week 3!
Star of the Sea Walk Safely to School: Friday 17 May
We look forward to our families joining us for our ‘walking buses’ this Friday morning. We will have three ‘walk to school’ buses leaving from three different locations.
The first bus will be driven by Mr Caridi and Mrs Iasiello and will leave from the Grange Kiosk. The second bus will leave from St Michael’s College meeting on (Mitton Avenue), then along Lawrie Street and then to school via Marlborough Street.
The third bus will leave from Joe’s Kiosk, Henley Beach and will be driven by Mr Pigliacelli.
All buses will leave their respective starting points at 8:00am and should arrive at school by 8.30am. Upon arrival at school, students will be provided with a hot chocolate from the canteen.
Child Safety Information and Guidelines
At Star of the Sea, we recognise that every child has the right to be safe and free from all kinds of abuse, including bullying and harassment, and neglect. Schools are mandated child safe environments with legal, policy and procedural requirements for staff and volunteers.
The South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS) requires its schools to implement child safety policies and practices, including child safety education. At Star of the Sea, we teach the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum.
In the attached link you will find the Child Protection policies and associated materials our school and system adheres to:
Parent Survey – Parent Workshops
In collaboration with the P&F, Star of the Sea school is looking for feedback from families about areas they would like to learn more about with our school running parent/caregiver workshops to meet the needs of our families. There is a quick less than 1-minute form to fill out via the link below. The form closes this Friday 17 May.
You can also access the form via the QR Code below.
Have a happy and safe fortnight
Annette Diassinas

Catholic Education Week
This week we have focused on celebrating the amazing teaching and learning that happens in our school and what it means to be part of a Catholic Community.
Here is what some of our staff and students had to say about why they love Star of the Sea:
#Playing with my friends and doing Heggerty Phonics – Anella, Year 2
#Playing basketball with my friends – Dante, Year 2
#All the families and the community – Meg, ESO
#Everyone is friendly, and the teachers always help me – Alessandra, Year 4
#I love playtime with my friends – Pat, Reception
#All the supportive staff – Elyce, Teacher
#There is happiness everywhere- India, Reception
Loving God,
Guide us to know life in its fullness, to raise our hearts and minds to know God’s love.
Raise our hearts and minds to be inspired by Jesus, the Catholic faith and tradition.
Raise our hearts to be loving, compassionate and respectful.
Raise our minds to be inquisitive, capable and seek truth.
May we be aware of listening to the stirring of our hearts to prompt action.
Guide us to respond to the needs of others and all of God’s creation.
In all our thoughts, words and actions, help us raise our hearts and minds
in creating the world you desire.
Loving God hear our prayer
Today our school came together to celebrate Mass as whole school. The theme of our mass was ‘Welcome Holy Spirit’ as this Sunday 19 May is the Feast of Pentecost.
Before Jesus was crucified, he promised his disciples that he would send the Holy Spirit to be with them, to help them and to guide them. On the day of Pentecost that promise came true. The disciples of Jesus were filled with the fire of his love and had the courage to go and do the work Jesus had called them to do.
Care for Creation: May 19-26 | Theme, ‘Seeds of Hope’
Sunday, May 19, marks the beginning of Laudato Si’ week for 2024. It commemorates the 9th anniversary of Pope Francis’ publication of the encyclical Laudato Si’ on the care of creation.
Pope Francis reminds us that “there are no lasting changes without cultural changes… and there are no cultural changes without personal changes” (LD 70), Catholics around the world are encouraged to participate in daily challenges that motivate changes in personal habits, and gradually transform societies.
Here are 10 simple ways you and your family can connect with God’s creation and begin to make a small but meaningful change to our environment. Let’s work together to foster a deeper respect for creation, promote sustainable habits and deepen commitment to a lifestyle that respects the Creator’s handywork.
With Gratitude
Dominque Laurendi
Important Dates
Walk to School
Children's Parish Mass Year 5 9.30am
AGM 7pm in the Stella Maris Room
Year 1 Assembly 9.15am
Stars got Talent
School Fees
Term 2 school fee statements are being sent home this week through the class communication boxes via the eldest child in the family.
The due date for charges up to and including Term 2 is Friday 21 June 2024. Two thirds of the annual school fee amount is due by this date.
If you have an automatic deduction from a nominated credit card or bank account, please check the deduction amount and frequency to ensure that your fees will be paid in full the end of November. It is important that you contact the school if your credit card number or card expiry date change so we can update the authority to ensure payments continue.
Please note all 2023 payment deduction authorities ceased at the end of last year and a new authority is required in 2024. If you are eligible for Lower Income School Fees under the State Governments School Card scheme please complete a new application form for 2024 as soon as possible, discounts are not applied until official approval is granted.
For further information regarding school fees, deduction authority forms and information regarding School Card please visit
If you have any questions regarding your school fees or if you are unable to make the minimum payment by the due date please contact Karyn Burlow, Finance Manager at
