Newsletter Term 2 Week 5
Dear Families
We have held our AGM, which reviewed the 2022 year and I am pleased to announce that you can read all the reports which are now on our website. Thank you to everyone that contributed to the reports and to all the School Board members who graciously give of their time.
The new School Board will gather for their first meeting on Monday June 19th. We welcome new member Amy Diggins who will be joining continuing elected members Dave Slovinec, Brad Dunstan, Nathan Foulis, Elizabeth Sarris, Katerina Andrushenko and Kirsty McCulloch. Our two continuing nominated members are Emma Marsden and Kopano Shepheard. The other members are Ex-Officio, being the Parish Priest Father Manu and School Leadership Damian Weeks and Kelly Manera.
Personalised Plans for Learning (PPLs)
We have slightly refined the dates for the signing of the PPL, this will be sent via email on June 6th, with a request for a signature to be returned by June 13th.
School Reports
As you know we are moving to a new Student Reporting System that will be somewhat consistent across CESA. The new report will provide an A-E grade for the nine subject areas, remember this is complimented by our continuous reporting that has been coming home throughout term 1 & 2. The grade will also be complemented by a separate document that outlines the learning outcomes for semester 1 (this will be a separate sheet that we have developed at our school).
Each of nine subject areas will also indicate a student’s “Approach to Learning” (Excellent, good, satisfactory, inconsistent).
The next section will indicate a student’s “Learner disposition” (works collaboratively with others, is organised for learning, maintains positive and respectful relationships makes safe and responsible choices, and is resilient)
Extra curricular activities that the student has been involved in will be listed.
The report will conclude with a general comment from the teacher.
Matt Perry Farewell
As you would be aware Matt has won the substantive position of Principal at Christ the King, Warradale. On Wednesday June 7th, our whole school assembly will be to farewell Matt from our school. All parents are invited to attend the assembly which will start at 2pm in the church, to be followed by afternoon tea in the hall from 2:30pm.
SACPPA Conference
Kelly and I are attending the Annual SA Catholic Primary Principals Association Conference this week May 31- June 2nd. During this time Domenique Laurendi will be holding the reigns, with support from our Leaders of Learning.
The theme of the conference is Building Leadership Capacity…
Principals and Deputies are called to be brave, courageous, hopeful and open-minded leaders so that they continue to provide the holistic and high-quality outcomes to educational development for students in our schools. The structure of the program and our focus for the conference is two-fold. Through the Keynote presentations, we hope to help build leadership capacity and understanding of what educational experts are saying about relevant and high-quality school focus points. The Workshops are designed to provide space for dialogue and to hear about the practical application of these ideas and sources of information about a particular topic of interest to help enhance implementation in your school.
The conference will allow us to engage with some nationally and internationally renowned presenters, three-time Paralympic gold medallist Kurt Fearnley AO (Writer, Presenter, Advocate), Dr Lea Waters, AM, PhD (Psychologist, Researcher, Speaker, author), Dr Simon Breakspear (Researcher, policy advisor and speaker), and Zen student, Shakuhachi learner and inspirational thinker Lee Crockett (Future Focussed Learning).
In our next newsletter I look forward to sharing more about the conference.
Damian Weeks
Recent News

What is Reconciliation?
National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australians as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
National Reconciliation Week is a powerful reminder of the importance of reflecting on the teachings of Jesus, particularly forgiveness. Jesus taught us to forgive others, and to extend compassion towards everyone. By embracing forgiveness, we can begin to pave the way for healing wounds, fostering unity, and creating a brighter future for all.
Winter Dignity Drive
Thank you to all the families who have already begun to send in items to support Catherine House and Hutt Street Centre in their Winter Dignity Drive. We still need more items. Please continue to send these into school over the next few weeks.
With Gratitude,
Domenique Laurendi
APRIM | Leader of Learning
Each term we will gather for a Whole school Prayer assembly. This term our School Assembly will be on Wednesday 7 June at 2pm at the church. This assembly will be dedicated to farewelling our former Deputy Principal Mr Matt Perry.
Each term, every year level will showcase their learning by having a Year level Assembly in our Stella Maris Building.
On Wednesday we gathered to watch our wonderful Year 1 students share their learning.
Up coming year level assemblies are:
Reception – Wednesday 5 July at 2:30pm
Year 2 – Wednesday 28 June at 9:00 am
Year 3 – Thursday 29 June at 2:30pm
Year 4 – Friday 30 June at 2:30pm
Year 5 – Thursday 6 July at 2:30pm
Year 6 – Wednesday 14 June at 2:30pm

Walk to School Day was a great success. Students received a Milo drink and piece of fruit. A big thanks to Dee for organising the warm drinks and to Foodland Henley Beach who have kindly donated the fruit.

Important Dates
Year 4 Parish Mass All Welcome
Year 2 Excursion
Donut Day
Whole School Prayer Assembly in the Church
Year 3 Parish Mass 9.15am
Metro Cross Country
Term 3 Parent Information Meeting 7pm
Sport News
SACPSSA Netball Carnival
The Catholic Schools netball carnival is Monday 3 July, 2023 for any students in Years 3 – 6 who would like to take part. Information regarding the day is on Audiri(formely known as Skoolbag) and registrations are through Qkr! Registrations due Monday 5 June, 4pm.
SEASON 2 Netball and Basketball at St Clair
Registrations for season 2 netball and basketball are now open. Please see Audiri for further information and register through Qkr! Registrations due Monday 26 June, 2023.


Expected delivery of books ordered from issue 4 - JUNE 26- July 7
LOOP is the Scholastic Book Club. Linked Online Ordering & Payment platform for parents.
To order and pay for Scholastic Book Club by cred card visit:

Track pant sale

Devon Clothing are having an end of season sale and have reduced the price of trackpants to $40.00, but only while stocks last. The discount applies to current stock only, no orders will be placed at the discounted price. Stock is available in store and online. If you are unable to order a size online, it is because it has sold out, please choose another size.