Newsletter Term 2 Week 8
Dear Families,
It was delightful to hold our first parent meetings over the last couple of weeks. With the change in Covid restrictions meetings are no allowed. So far, we have held a welcoming morning tea with for Reception and Year 1 parents. We have also held an Early Years Literacy meeting for those that were interested. Next term we will hold a meeting during the evening to unpack our Literacy practices for those that are interested.
Next term, we will also be running meetings for those wishing to become volunteers or renew their volunteer credentials. We will be holding a Volunteer Induction meeting on Thursday 28 July in the Stella Maris room from 8:50am.
Volunteering in Catholic Schools is a four step process:
- Obtaining a Working with Children Check (WWCC)
- Attending an induction
- Completing a RAN course
- Showing proof of vaccination (in most cases that is two jabs)
Narelle concludes her time with us at the end of term. Narelle has had another very successful time at our school. A highlight, is how she has kept our staffing on track through Covid and illness. This has meant rearranging timetables daily, which is very time consuming. These timetables are usually only done once a term!
I thank Narelle for the way she has led this work and other areas during her time with us.
Matt Perry will be returning next term, after completing his Acting Principal role at Christ the King School (and a couple of weeks LSL).
I am pleased to announce that we have contracted two part-time teachers, Skye Llewellyn and Abbey Hinge, for this class. These would be very familiar names for those who have been in our community for some time.
As one group of students move from this program into our mid-year class, another group of students begin next term. This will be the group of students that will make up some of our 2023 Reception intake. We will be running two sessions on Wednesdays, to cater for the large number of students. So far, we have a total of 35 students attending.
Day one of term 3 is Monday July 25th and this will be a Pupil Free Day. Staff will be involved in a faith development day that is being planned by Jhovana Fenu and Stella Foley.
In the last two weeks of this term, I will be taking LSL. Narelle will be assisted by Stella Foley and Jhovana Fenu during this time. They will also be assisted by our Leaders of Learning, one of which will be released from class towards the end of each week.
Following the very successful visit of Sally Egan, Deputy Chair of the National Catholic Education Commission, we have been asked to host a further visit. Bhakti Shah is one of NCEC’s Data Analysist, and Sally has suggested Bhakti visit Star of the Sea to see the impressive results the school has achieved. Bhakti will visit next term.
We will also be hosting another visit of educators coming to see our literacy program in action. The visitors will come from a variety of schools, but it will include our first teachers from the State system!
Teachers are concluding their work on reports, which are being proof-read this week,
printed next week and sent home on Monday July 4th.
As you know, we are in the final stage of preparing our School Strategic Plan. Our community have been asked to contribute to our prioritising survey and this survey will close on July 1st.
If you have not had a chance to contribute yet here is the link to the survey…
Damian Weeks
Recent News
As we approach the end of the Semester 1 assessment cycle in our Star of the Sea learning community, there is so much ‘good news’ to reflect on!
Co-constructed Learning
In week 6 our students completed the ‘Pulse Check In’ surveys. These are a Catholic Education initiative, designed to capture qualitative data regarding the metaphorical ‘pulse’ of our learners. The once a term survey promotes learner agency, giving students a voice and choice in helping to shape their learning. The children’s answers are reviewed by the school leadership team and classroom teachers, providing insights into how students feel they are going with their learning, their experience of the classroom and their level of connectedness in the community. Upon review of the student data, one of the big take-aways for many of our staff this term, was to provide increased opportunities for learners to be able to identify survey concepts in the everyday happenings of their classroom. For instance, ‘co-constructed student learning’ is embedded within every lesson plan and curriculum unit, however, not always readily identified by learners. Professional dialogue amongst our staff has led to subtle changes in the way classroom teachers present and set up learning tasks for children so that they can see and feel when they are involved in ‘co-construction’ of learning. When an educator seeks the opinions of students regarding the days’ schedule, they are essentially providing opportunities for co-constructed learning. When a learner has choice within a learning task, they are provided with opportunities for shaping their learning experience and are therefore co-constructing the learning. Our students identified these many wonderful ways in which opportunities for co-construction of learning happens at Star of the Sea School:
Connectedness in our Community
Collaboration and co-constructed learning don’t only happen with our young people but also in partnership with our families! Educators have been working closely with families to finalise Personal Plans for Learning recently. These are a co-constructed plan for connecting all learners with the curriculum. In recognizing families as the first educators of their children and teachers as the experts in curriculum delivery and classroom practice, the collaborative process is important and cannot be rushed. We offer sincere thanks to all families for their involvement and patience in this process as our teachers have worked tirelessly to ensure each plan for learning is personalized, practical and purposeful.
Welcome Mornings and Literacy Information for Families
In weeks 5, 6 and 7 we were delighted to welcome the Reception and Year 1 families into Star of the Sea School for morning tea. The official ‘Welcome to the Start of School’ milestone for our Reception Families was celebrated a full term and a half after their children commenced school and for the Year 1 families, a whole 5 and half terms after their children commenced school! Whilst covid has caused delay to us hosting these community events, it has not interfered with our commitment and vision for thriving learners. Welcoming families into the classroom for the Mid-Year Reception Transition Days has been beneficial in preparing our newest members of the community for connection and successful learning engagement. Our Literacy Information morning for families was so well received, we have decided to offer another session next term!
Learning has no finish line!
Teachers are currently wrapping up assessment cycles in preparation for the writing of student reports. Whilst reporting on student learning in this formal sense is important, it is also important to recognize the many informal ways that learners receive feedback from educators throughout the assessment cycles. Teachers carry out many wide and varied forms of assessment for learning, of learning and as learning and students receive qualitative, real-time feedback on their learning, daily. Assessment for learning involves active approaches by teachers to establish prior knowledge of learners and therefore the various learning entry points into the curriculum. Assessment of learning involves a measure of progress within a particular time frame. For example, how much information did a learner acquire or how well does the learner apply their new knowledge in various settings? Assessment as learning means that the assessment task is essentially the medium for learning to occur. Assessment in these conditions is time bound and as with the ‘learners as popcorn’ analogy, not all learners ‘pop’ within the same time frames. Learning really does not have a finish line. It does not end once the assessment item finishes or once a teacher report is written and the winner is not always the one to cross the metaphorical finish line first. Therefore, it is important to remember that Student Reports can be likened to Student School Photographs; they capture a learner at a precise moment in time. They reflect student growth and development across a period and are not a predictor of future progress or learner success in the future. By ensuring students love learning and see it as a life-long pursuit means that we are ‘future-proofing’ them! Reports will come home with all learners on Monday 4 July, 2022.
"How to make fairy bread"
"Year 4 Geography Test"
"Year 1 Money task to establish prior knowledge"
Narelle Sandercock
Acting Deputy Principal
Next Friday 24 June we celebrate Pentecost, the birth of the Church and the lead up to the Feast of the Sacred Heart! As an outward sign of this significant moment in time, our learners are invited to clothe themselves in red. The red clothes represent all learners and all community members being alight with the red-hot flame of the Holy Spirit; “Be who God intended you to be and you will set the world on fire” are the words of Saint Catherine of Sienna and of course she meant this in the metaphorical sense, setting the world ablaze with the good news of who we are and how we each contribute to making the world a better place!
It was with shock, disbelief and then sadness that we learnt that our wonderful MSC priests will be withdrawing from our parish at the end of the year. The Provincial, Fr Chis McPhee, came and spoke to us regarding this. It became apparent that the reality of an ageing clergy is one of the key challenges facing the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart order. We have been truly blessed to have had such caring and vibrant ministers, who have been, to us, the heart of Jesus since 1914.
Archbishop O'Reagan will appoint a new parish priest to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart parish.

This term some classes have been able to attend the 9:15am Parish Mass with Father Peter.
The children are actively involved by following the Mass booklet and participating in Prayer.
Upcoming Masses/Liturgies
Monday 20 June: 9:15am Year 5T and 5P
Monday 20 June: Reception Liturgy
Tuesday 21 June: Year 2’s visiting the Church to learn about the Rosary
Wednesday 29 June: Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus whole school Mass
Monday 4 July: Year 1 Liturgy 11:45am
St Vincent de Paul Society SA
Winter Appeal and Student Action
On Tuesday 7 June our student leaders had the pleasure to meet and work with Umes Acharya: Youth and Community Engagement Officer from St Vincent de Paul Society.
The workshop focused on ‘See, Discern, Do’. Three questions were asked:
- What is your understanding about poverty?
- Why does poverty exist?
- What are you actions and ideas to respond?
Our student leaders responses:
“Poverty is when you need help. You cannot afford food or water.” (Frankie 5P)
“Poverty is when you do not have a bed.” (Millie 2PI)
“Poverty exists because people are not wealthy enough.” (Marco 4EL)
“Poverty exists because some people don’t have a family here.” (Aria 3G)
“Poverty exists because sometimes there is a fire in the house.” (Gabriella 1RT)
“We can help by donating to charity.” (Jessica 3R)
“We can help by giving people food.” (Domenic 2JI)
The student leaders collectively decided that our service action as a school is to donate food items most needed in our community. For this reason, all children, families and staff are invited to wear RED on Friday 24 June. On this day, a donation of your child’s ‘Favorite’ food item will be greatly appreciated from the list below. All donations to be handed to the front office.
- Jams/spreads
- Soup (can/packet)
- Cereal
- Milk (Long Life Milk)

The Year 2’s have started looking at the Rosary as part of our Religion unit on Prayer. We have made our very own decade heart rosary beads. We will be taking these with us next week when we visit the church and spend some time with Father Peter.

Congratulations to all students who took part in the SAPSASA Metro Cross Country Day particularly Grace B who won Silver for her age group.
Currently on Skoolbag App and QKR! Is:-
SACPSSA Year 3 – 6 Cross Country Carnival closing Friday 1 July, 2022.
After School Year 2 – 6 Netball & Basketball closing Tuesday, 28 June.
After School Year 3 – 6 Futsal closing Tuesday, 28 June.
If your child/ren are interested in taking part in any of the above please register through QKR! prior to the closing dates.
SACPSSA Netball Carnival is Wednesday of Week 10. Students must be at school no later than 8.30am on the courts in front of the sports shed.
If your child has been signed up for the Cross Country Carnival they will need to be attending beach running on a Wednesday morning at 8am.
A reminder to all families that all sporting information will come out through the Skoolbag app, if you do not have this app please feel free to see the office staff for support.
All registrations are made through QKR. If you do not have this app once again the office staff are a great resource. Once you have registered using QKR please ensure that the registration has gone through by checking the receipts section in the app. If you do not have a receipt, then it hasn’t gone through.
Kristen Victory
Sports Coordinator / Teacher
Important Dates
Splash of Red Day
Feast Of the Sacred Heart
Last day of term
Casual Day
Pupil Free Day
Term 3 Parent Welcome
Term 3 Begins
Volunteers Induction
You are invited to:
TIME: 11:45AM

‘World Meeting of Families’

This week the Pope is holding the ‘World Meeting of Families’ with the theme ‘Family Love: Vocation and way to Holiness’. All Star families are receiving a family prayer book ‘Say a Little Prayer’ and you are invited to light a candle (perhaps at dinner time) and say a short prayer together. Pope calls Christian families the “most beautiful face of the church.”
Two years after Leila and Danny Abdullah lost three children and a niece to a drunk and drugged driver, their family is meeting the Pope to share their amazing story of forgiveness of the driver. They have said their faith has been crucial to lead them to forgive and has sustained them every day: “Our mission is to serve the Lord and our children for the rest of our lives. Please pray that we can have i4give on a global platform starting at the Vatican”. Their Facebook page, ‘The Four Angels’ offers support and inspiration to us all.
The Foley family just welcomed a new baby into the fold, and it certainly is one of the most joyful events in family life. However, our prayers must stay with Ukraine, where families have had to leave their homes, often being separated from loved ones, and seeking safe shelter for their children.
If you would like to come and chat about your family, celebrating good times or sharing concerns, my door is always open and you will be greeted with a smile.
May your family be blessed with love, peace and good humour,
Volunteers Induction
Volunteers at Star of the Sea
We are very happy to have volunteers assisting teachers and the school. Volunteers add to the quality of what we are able to offer at the school. The process for becoming an approved volunteer is a four step process:
- CESA police check or Working With Children Check
- Attending a Volunteers Induction course
- Completing RAN training for volunteers
- Proof of vaccination shown to the front office
For volunteers, we will be holding a Volunteer Induction meeting on Thursday 28 July in the Stella Maris room from 8:50am.
Sport Dates
SPORT DATES FOR Term 2, 2022
SAPSASA Metro Netball & Hockey Carnivals - Wednesday 22 June to Friday 24 June
SACPSSA Netball Carnival - Wednesday Week 10, registrations currently on Skoolbag app.
Term 3, 2022
SACPSSA Cross Country Carnival - Thursday 11 August, 2022
SAPSASA Metro Soccer Carnival - 22 – 24 August, 2022
SAPSASA Airport District Athletics Carnival - 1 September, 2022
Reception – Yr1 Swimming Immanuel College - Week 8 Monday – Friday
Year 2 – 3 Swimming Immanuel College - Week 9 Monday - Friday
Year 3 – 4 Tennis Clinic - Wednesday 21 September, 2022
SAPSASA Metro Athletics Carnival - 22 September, 2022
Second Hand Uniforms

Please click on the following link for information regarding buying second hand uniforms.
Asphalt Week - Military Road and Main Street Upgrade

During the week of Monday 20 June to Monday 27 June, asphalt works will be undertaken across the project site. There are 4 days of asphalt works to be undertaken during this 7 day period (including Saturday) and the actual days of work will depend on the weather (rain).
Day 1 is planned for Monday 20 June but if rain prevents work on that day, Day 1 will be Tuesday and all other days will then be pushed out.
To ensure works are undertaken safely and efficiently there will be detours and road closures in place for the duration of these works.
Parking on the street
No on-street parking will be available on asphalt days (refer map for road segments).
Pedestrian access
Access will be retained through the worksite, where possible. Please watch for traffic controllers.
Please see attached asphalt schedule.