Newsletter Term 2 Week 9
Dear Families
Greetings from WA! As you know I am on LSL at the moment. Currently in the SW corner of Australia where I have visited Stonehenge in Esperance and the National Anzac Centre in Albany. Both worth a visit!
At our June meeting we had our building company PARTEK, present a report on the building. Garth Hall kindly came along to present the report, which was very positive. The building has been flying along over the last month, after an initial delay in the manufacturing of the blocks (large bricks). Garth did show a Timelapse of the last month and this can be found on our Facebook site.
Carmen Bishop, who runs our Marine Discovery Centre, gave the Board a run down on year so far. The Marine Discovery Centre has had an incredible start to the year, specifically in comparison to 2021 and 2022 which was negatively impacted by Covid-19 closures and restrictions. As of 13 June 2023, the Marine Discovery Centre has welcomed 3,862 students to the centre, in comparison to 1,292 students for the same period in 2022. The centre is having a far more financially sound year with grants so far of $160 000.
Please also see attached Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD).
Damian Weeks
Recent News
Dear Families,
It is hard to believe we are nearly at the end of Semester One. It has been a rich and memorable term full of wonderful experiences and opportunities. As I reflect on the term I note that we have spent approximately 300 hours with your children this term! That is a lot of learning, relationship building, working and playing.
As has been communicated in the newsletters over this term, our Semester One reports will be distributed via email to families next week. You will receive a copy of your child’s academic report as well as a curriculum overview outlining the learning covered this semester. There will be an opportunity to meet with class teachers in Week 2 next term. This is an optional interview opportunity and bookings can be made through PTO next week. Academic reports are a document that helps understand how your child is progressing at school. Teachers spent a considerable amount of time preparing these reports. The general comments will highlight strengths and possible areas of growth for next semester. When you speak with your child, I encourage you to reflect not only on the academic grade but the approach to learning as well.
I would like to remind parents and students that smart watches and phones are not to be used for contacting parents or others during school hours. We appreciate the times in which we now live and that these devices in many instances support families particularly at the end of day with pick up arrangements. I suggest that you please activate the settings which disable calls and messages between school hours, if possible and remind your child about not using these features when at school. Please be assured that if you need to get a message to your child or vice versa, this will be followed up by the front office staff. We thank you for your support in this matter.
I have had the pleasure of attending a number of these over the past few weeks. I am always so impressed with how comfortable our young people are at public speaking. Such an important lifelong skill to foster – as not everyone likes speaking in front of large audiences. The learning that has been showcased to parents and families has been most impressive and I thank all the teachers and students for their work in preparing these gatherings. The turnout from the community demonstrates how valued these events are.
As one group of students move from this wonderful program, led by Tania Condelli and Kylie Casey, another group of students will begin next term. This group of students will make up some of our 2024 Reception intake. We will be running two sessions on Wednesdays to cater for the large number of students. So far, we have approximately 35 students attending. We warmly welcome our ‘Little Stars’ and their families to our school community.
Just a reminder that school concludes for Term 2 on Friday 7th July at 3:05pm. Children are permitted to wear casuals on the last day of term. School resumes for Term 3 on Tuesday 25 July. Staff will be engaged in professional learning on Monday 24 July (Pupil Free Day). Please note OSHC will be available for those families requiring care.
A big shout out to the dedicated P&F team who have been working hard to organise what promises to be a fantastic Quiz Night event this Friday!
I am looking forward to seeing everyone in their ‘fluffies’ to support our Winter Dignity Drive. A sincere thanks to all the families who have generously donated items this term. The Parish have been overwhelmed with the donations from our school community.
I wish all our students, staff and families a restful and safe holiday break!
Go well,
Kelly Manera
Acting Deputy Principal
As I walk through the classrooms of our school, it is always a joy to see our Religious Education Crossways Curriculum coming alive through the work our students are engaging in.
Our Year 3 students have been in engaged in learning about Mary, our Mother and the mother of Jesus. They have drawn portraits of Mary and reflected on their artworks.
Here are some comments from a few of our Year 3 students in 3G:
Marie L – “I drew Mary like this because I thought that back in those days some people had darker skin and that’s how I imagine Mary’s skin is.”
Amelie A – “My artwork reflects how I see Mary and I think that Mary has a rainbow heart.”
Valentina F – “My artwork reflects how I see Mary. I see Mary as a beautiful, kind hearted person.”
Penelope – “I chose the colour pink because it is a sweet and loving colour and I chose orange because it is a brave colour.”
The Year 4 classes have completed a unit of work on Australia’s first saint, Mary MacKillop. They have explored how someone becomes a saint and what gifts of the Holy Spirit Mary Mackillop displayed through her ministry. The students drew portraits of Mary MacKillop which reflect the values and virtues she lived by.
Today as I walked past the Stella Maris room I heard the Year 4 students rehearsing for their assembly tomorrow. They sounded like a choir of angels as they were singing the Mary MacKillop song. It brought a tear to my eye as their singing was so heartfelt. It is so encouraging to know that these are the students who are preparing to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion next term. I look forward to watching them present their learning and performing their song at the Year 4 Assembly tomorrow at 2:30pm.
With Gratitude
Domenique Laurendi

We’ve had a huge and early response to families booking children in for the July Vac Care Program with all excursions FULLY BOOKED and other dates nearing capacity. Thank to those families getting booking forms in early!
We have prompted our OSHC Families to communicate any changes to their Term 3 Permanent OSHC bookings. We have a large number of Term 3 intakes requiring OSHC particularly, on our busy Tuesdays & Thursdays.
If you haven’t communicated your child’s OSHC needs or changes for Term 3, please do so immediately by emailing or calling us. PH: 8115 7403 or
The Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is increasing from 10 July. Most families using early childhood education and care will get more CCS. Some families previously not eligible for CCS will now get it.
OSHC has fact sheets available for families to become eligible for the CCS or for families who already receive the CCS and the changes that will take effect. Learn more about what’s changing at or drop in to OSHC for a Fact Sheet.
Donna Marshall
OSHC Director
Important Dates
Quiz Night 7pm
Year 4 Assembly
SACPSASA Netball Carnival
Reports Emailed to Parents
Little Stars Liturgy 10.30am
Reception Assembly 2.30pm
Year 5 Assembly 2.30pm
End of Term
Pupil Free Day
School Fee Reminder
Reminder that the Term 2 payment of school fees is due by this Friday 23 June.
If you are paying your account in three instalments, an amount equal to at least two thirds of the 2023 school fee charges is due for payment.
If you have an automatic deduction, please check the amount to ensure that your fees will be paid in full the end of November.
Please refer to the school website for information regarding payment amounts
If you have any questions regarding your school fees, please contact Karyn Burlow, Finance Manager at

Congratulations to the Airport SAPSASA Netball teams who were had a great week last week. Div 1 team won the Div 1 Competition and Div 3 Team came equal runners up in The Div 3 competition.
Winter Dignity Drive

Last week Cheryl Wedding from the Parish came over to our school to collect all the goods we had collected so far for our Winter Dignity Drive. She was very grateful and overwhelmed by the amount of goods we had collected. We filled 2 trolleys full of donations plus extra. Cheryl had to come back as she was unable to fit everything in her car!
More donations have continued to come in. We are happy to keep collecting next week.
A HUGE THANKYOU to you all! We are a very generous community. It is wonderful to know that we are making a difference to the lives of others.