Newsletter Term 3 Week 1
with the 2023 NAPLAN RESULTS
Once again, we have managed to produce outstanding results!
Congratulations to all our Year 3 & 5 students who sat the test. A special thank you to our teachers who have looked closely at our testing data over the last three years and adjusted teaching practices to achieve such excellent results.
Student results will be sent home tomorrow (ie this is for Year 3 & 5 students).
Recent News
Dear Families
Wow, what a holiday I had, caravanning around WA. I completed a “bucket list” activity by visiting Monkey Mia and seeing the dolphins that come into the shore there. I highly recommend the visit to Shark Bay, if you are ever over that way.
Our mid-year intake consists of 33 children who are having their first week at school. We welcomed them and their families on Tuesday. A delightful group of children taking their next step into the wider world.
We welcome Gemma who will be with us in this role until the end of the year. Gemma has a “rich” history in Leadership, in a number of areas, and you can find out more about her by reading her article in this newsletter.
Kelly Manera moves to the role of Assistant Principal Learning and Wellbeing. Kelly will work three days a week and this will suit her family commitments much better.
We expect to announce our substantive Deputy Principal any day now. These appointments are made by Catholic Education SA and they have decided that the person we have appointed needs to remain in their current school until the end of the year.
We also welcome to our teaching staff Gary Pascoe (Year 4) and Morgan Taylor (Year 1).
Returning to teach our Mid-year classes are Skye Llewellyn, Abbey Hinge, Ali Rebuli & Georgia Burbrook.
Each year we run a survey to get parent feedback about our school. Sadly, only about a dozen families respond to the survey. This survey helps us keep track of what we have been doing and helps us plan for what we should do in the future. This is your chance to share your thoughts. Please see flyer below regarding further information.
In the last week of term I had the Parish staff and neighbours complaining to me, via email, about people parking “anywhere they liked.” One neighbour complained they could not reverse out of their shed and the parish complained about people parking where there are yellow lines (making it difficult for them to exit). On the last day Father Manu rang me (in Perth) because someone had parked in his carport!
We are on our last warning regarding the Church carpark. If we cannot get everyone to park in the marked bays, then the Parish will close the carparking to the school.
To be an approved volunteer in our school it is a three step process. Fill in the paperwork from the front office, complete RAN training and attend a short volunteer induction session (about 20mins). Our next session is Monday August 14th, 5pm in the Stella Maris Room. Please email if your would like to attend.
Have a great week,
Damian Weeks.
Dear Families of Star of the Sea School
I am delighted to be the Acting Deputy Principal in this community until the remainder of 2023.
I have been a practising teacher for 30 years and most of my professional practice have been in leadership positions in catholic and independent schools in the roles of RE Co Ordinator, Deputy Principal and Head of school.
I am very passionate about the way in which quality education for children through out their schooling helps them to develop their skills and attitudes that positively impact their academic, physical, social, emotional and spiritual development. At the heart of which is quality relationships with students’ staff and families.
I have received a wonderful warm welcome by this lovely staff and impressed by their skill and dedication. My visit to classrooms and time spent on yard duty has been a delight as I start to develop relationships with your beautiful children. I look forward to meeting parents at various times throughout this semester.
Kind regards
Gemma D’Angelo
Dear Families,
I trust the holiday break was an enjoyable one for all our students and families. The new term has commenced very smoothly. We warmly welcome our mid-year Receptions and our new group of ‘Little Stars’ commencing this term in preparation for starting school in 2024.
Action for Happiness Calendar: Altruistic August
As we head into August, I share with you next month’s Action for Happiness resource. ‘Altruistic August’ focuses on our awareness of being kind and concerned about the well-being of others. Evidence suggests that being aware of your own acts of kindness, noticing this action in others and being grateful can increase feelings of happiness, optimism and satisfaction. Some of the daily suggestions go beyond some of the more obvious actions we would normally consider. For example, perhaps try and give people the gift of your full attention, or ask someone how they feel and really listen to their reply or notice when someone is down and try to brighten their day. A downloadable version of the calendar can be found below.
Technology and Devices
As a mother of three children, regular conversations around devices and technology are constant and at times, very challenging. I recently came across some helpful ideas from @parentingteensandtweens to assist in setting boundaries with your family. Perhaps some of the listed suggestions may be helpful for you.
Western Region Schools Disability Expo
Families are invited to attend a Post School pathways and NDIS Provider Information Night for the Catholic Schools Western Region. It is being held on Wednesday 23rd August from 6:00pm-8:00pm at Nazareth College, Flinders Park Campus. The evening is designed to facilitate providers speaking to families who are seeking information in a 1:1 personalised environment.
If interested, please register your attendance at
Enjoy the remainder of your week. May your favourite team triumph at the Showdown (…..but go Port!)
Go well,
Kelly Manera
Assistant Principal Learning and Wellbeing
Sacramental Program
Term 3 is an important term for 65 of our students who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. This year we have 3 ceremonies where our students will be Confirmed and receive the Eucharist for first time. These celebrations will be on:
- Saturday 16th September at 6:00pm
- Sunday 17th September at 11:00am and
- Sunday 17th September at 5:30pm
Everyone is welcome to attend these ceremonies.
This term, they will be busy as they prepare themselves for this special journey and time in their lives. They will be learning about the Sacraments in their Religious Education lessons in class, and they are engaging in home activities as a way of deepening their understanding of the Sacraments with the support of their family. Later this term, our students will join with the Parish students to engaged in a Retreat Day. This is another way we strengthen our connections with the Parish, and it is an opportunity for the Sacramental students to spend a day reflecting and learning about this important milestone in their faith development.
We ask that you keep these children in your prayers and pray that they be filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
With Gratitude,
Domenique Laurendi
APRIM | Leader of Learning
Important Dates
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews
Year 6 Excursion
SACPSSA Year 3-6 Cross Country Carnival
Lads Night
School Disco
World Youth Day

World Youth Day
World Youth Day (WYD) is a worldwide encounter with the Pope celebrated about every three years in a different country. The most recent WYD was celebrated in Panama City, Panamá from January 22-27, 2019 and this year World Youth Day will be held in Lisbon, Portugal on August 1-6th 2023.
WYD is open to all young people who want to take part in a festive encounter centered on Jesus Christ together with their peers. This event is an opportunity to personally experience the universality of the Catholic Church, and to share with the whole world the hope of many young people who are committing their lives to Christ and His Church. World Youth Day is a unique way to deepen your faith and grow closer to Christ, through prayer and the sacraments, together with hundreds of thousands of other young people who share your interests and ambitions.
If you would like to be involved in WYD, please follow the link to explore some of the activities happening in Adelaide.

Sport Information
- Cross Country Carnival Thursday 10 August, registrations have closed.
- Basketball registrations have closed, please check online for fixtures.
- Netball teams are currently being registered more information to follow.
- Swimming lessons Week 8 Reception- Year 1 and Week 9 Year 2-3.
Canteen Orders via QKR!

Please note that the cut off time for all orders has been changed to 9am.
