Newsletter Term 3 Week 3
Dear Families
- What is going well in our school that we need to keep?
- What is ready for change?
- What are your dreams for the future?
Parents, join in the conversation on Monday August 23rd. There is a session at 9am and there is a repeat of the session again at 7pm. The sessions will be held in the Stella Maris room (next to the green courts). Please email an RSVP to to confirm your attendance.
This will give the community two opportunities to contribute their ideas. We may need some more sessions depending on how many people we can gather together, so we will be flexible and agile with these opportunities.
The School Board and P&F will hold a combined meeting on Monday, August 16th to begin the process. Students will also share their opinions through the SRC.
Catholic Education SA has introduced a survey across all of our Catholic Schools to gather community perceptions of their School’s performance. Similar surveys will be administered to staff and students to enable us to capture a community snapshot. All responses are confidential and will be used for school improvement purposes. Completion of the survey is on a voluntary basis.
To complete the survey for Star of The Sea School in 2021
Parents go to and enter the code SSLLLP in the “Start Questionnaire” field, or use this QR code.
Your confidentiality
To protect your confidentiality all surveys are anonymous. All answers go directly to the National School Improvement Partnerships, where the results are analysed for your school. Answers from individual surveys will NOT be reported back to the school. Staff of the National School Improvement Partnerships staff are bound by a Code of Ethics and follow strict professional conduct.
Use of the data
National School Improvement Partnerships will report the results to the school in an aggregated format so that individuals cannot be identified. To enable drill-down reporting, the information provided to the school will contain data based on background information. This anonymous data will be provided to CESA for reporting and consideration of support for schools.
How to complete the survey
For each statement, you are asked to rate how well you think the school is performing by circling one of six responses. The responses are numbered 1 to 6, with number 1 being the lowest or worst rating and number 6 being the highest or best rating.
There are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers. Your opinion is what is wanted.
Please be sure to answer all questions.
Some statements in may be fairly similar to other statements. Don't worry about this. Simply give your opinion about all statements.
To get started, use the QR code or go to and enter the access code (SSLLLP) provided by your school.
If you require more information or have any feedback, please contact Belinda Hurcombe.
Your time and consideration with this task is much appreciated!
Damian Weeks
Recent News
This area is changing rapidly so we thought a summary of the current restrictions may be helpful, especially in relation to drop off and pickup procedures. Today’s changes to restrictions are at slight easing of restrictions but parents are still restricted from entering the school site. We have made some adjustments for the younger children.
Drop off
We will be opening two spaces for most of the school. The green basketball courts by Military Rd as usual. The Nature play and MDC courts is the new space that we have added.
Students will generally move towards the exit gates where they are being picked up from. As parents are generally not on-site there would be no use of the oval or playground under the current restrictions. Most students will make their way to the gates that they are getting picked up from.
There has been no change to restricting parents on school sites, if you come inside the gate you must have a mask on, but please do not enter our buildings (except the front office when necessary). Please limit your time on the school grounds and go no further than the space between the library and playground.
Drop off
The Playground is now available for play in the morning and one of the children’s teachers will be on yard duty in this area. Only Mid-Year Receptions are allowed on the playground in the morning. For drop off, one adult may enter the Military Road gate, wearing a mask, to gather at the playground/library space. When the bell rings all children will line-up for their teacher, outside the library. Under the current restrictions, parents are not meant to enter the buildings, so the teachers will take the children up to class and parents will leave via the Military Road gate. Under rare circumstances the teachers may allow a parent to bring their child up to class.
One adult may enter the Military Road gate, wearing a mask, to gather at the playground/library space. The teachers will bring the children down to this area.
There has been no change to restricting parents on school sites, if you come inside the gate you must have a mask on. Please limit your time on the school grounds and go no further than the asphalt courts between the MDC and Nature Play area.
Drop off
The Nature Play and MDC courts are now available for play in the morning. Where possible, drop your child at the gate and direct them to this area. If necessary, one adult may enter the Marlborough St gate, wearing a mask, to drop your child to the MDC. Once you have done this please exit the school, as much as we lean towards socialising, currently this is not the space to do so. When the bell rings, all children will make their own way to class. The teacher on yard duty will assist the children at this time.
Reception and Year 1 children will be dismissed from the MDC courts as has been our current practice. Just a reminder that only one adult should come onto the MDC courts for pickup and they should be wearing a mask. For children who need to be picked up at Kiss and Drop, they can move directly to these areas.

Our annual parade will be held on Tuesday, 24 August. This will be dependent on COVID restrictions, so please be mindful of any updates. We will take a flexible approach to make this celebration of reading fun and enjoyable for all.
Students can dress up as one of their favourite book characters, a costume from yesteryear or a futuristic one.
With Thanks
Helen Kolaczkos
Soccer and Football starting up again this weekend with Basketball and Netball starting up Tuesday and Thursday next week. Please ensure that all updates from coaches / team managers are read as there are new restrictions that need to be followed at the games.
SACPSSA Cross Country Carnival has been rescheduled for Wednesday 18 August. All registered students should have received an email by now.
Please see attached file from the Australian Government regarding the Commonwealth School Data Collection Notice.
Important Dates
SACPSSA Cross Country
Book Week Parade
P&F Meeting 7pm

Hail Mary, full of Grace
The Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women
And Blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.

Sunday the 15th of August is the Feast of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven. Mary ascends into Heaven both body and soul. This is one of two Holy Days of Obligation for Catholics.
Uncle Richard Campbell, a Gumbaynggir Dunghutti man from the Stolen Generation, painted this beautiful image of Mary and Jesus. Richard’s Catholicism and Christ-centred spirituality has been a source of healing and he gains great strength from the stories of the Bible. Richard has a degree in Fine Arts, is an internationally recognised artist, and mentors young Aboriginal artists.
Some of us have had little or no opportunity to be with our families for some time now, but technology has been a God-send when separated by distance and lockdowns. Let’s cherish our families in our hearts, say a prayer for those we love and hug all those we can.
May your family be always blessed,
Stella Foley
School Ball

The deadline for early bird pricing for the ball has ended but due to the current Covid situation we have now extended this date.
Tickets will stay at the early bird price of $120 until the end of August (27th). After this the price will revert to $135!
Tickets sales will be capped due to Covid restrictions-get your tickets ASAP to avoid missing out!
***Please note- in the event of a Covid lockdown- ball tickets will be refunded***
Sport Dates
SACPSSA Cross Country Carnival - Wednesday 18 August
SACPSSA Touch Carnival - Week 7 Day TBC
SAPSASA Athletics Carnival - Friday 3 September TBC
R- Year 1 Swimming lessons - Week 8
Year 2 - 3 Swimming lessons - Week 9
Support your team day
Tomorrow is “support your team” day and casual clothes can be worn in your team colours (or any colours for that matter). A sea of Crows colours with a sprinkling of Port perhaps, maybe celebrate the end of the Olympics with some green and gold, it is totally up to you!