Newsletter Term 3 Week 3
Dear Families
This week we have had the wonderful opportunity to have a walk thru of the new building. The building is on time and on budget, which is always a marvellous thing to hear when you are the Principal! The view from the top floors is quite spectacular and overall it is going to be a magnificent building.
I have been lucky enough to win a grant from CESA to do some study overseas. Every 12 years Principals qualify for renewal leave and I will be travelling to Belgium to study at the Leuven University. I will also have time to travel to the birthplace of the Sisters of Mercy, in Dublin, and to walk some of the Comino trail in Spain. I will depart on August 21st and return for the start of term 4. During this time Gemma D’Angelo will be the Acting Principal and she will be assisted by members of our Leaders of Learning.
Each year we run a survey to get parent feedback about our school. Sadly, only about a
dozen families respond to the survey. This survey helps us keep track of what we have been
doing and helps us plan for what we should do in the future. This is your chance to share
your thoughts. There is a page in this newsletter that gives further information survey.
To be an approved volunteer in our school it is a three step process. Fill in the paperwork from the front office, complete RAN training and attend a short volunteer induction session (about 20mins). Our next session is Monday 14 August, 5pm in the Stella Maris Room. Please email if your would like to attend.
Have a great week,
Damian Weeks
Recent News
Dear Star of the Sea Families
Today the students gathered with me for their first SRC meeting for Term 3. This was a very action packed meeting where we spoke about why we have an SRC, what we like most about our school, No Bullying Day next Friday and our upcoming Mission Day on Friday November 10.
Students were very descriptive about what they love about their school. Answers included;
- we accept people for who they are
- we have different subjects to learn
- very good teachers
- everyone is cared for
- we get to learn about different things
- we have nice places to play with our friends
Our Early Years SRC meeting was actively supported by our wonderful House Captains who worked alongside our younger children throughout the meeting to make sure that their ideas and opinions were encouraged and heard. As indicated by the images, this was a very special interaction.
Wishing you all a peaceful and joyous rest of the week!
Gemme D'Angelo
Acting Deputy Principal

Yesterday some of our students celebrated the Rite of Reconciliation for the first time. This is an important step in their Sacramental journey before they celebrate the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion in September. Thank you to Father Manu who celebrated the ceremony with them.
Feast of the Assumption of Mary
Next Tuesday is a special day – it is the feast of the Assumption of Mary – when we remember how at the end of her life Mary was taken up to heaven to be with God. Mary is very special because she was chosen by God to be the mother of God's son, Jesus. And Mary says yes to all that God asks of her.
As a school community we will remember and honour our Mother Mary with a whole school mass at 11:45am on Tuesday 15 August in the church. Everyone is welcome to come and celebrate this special feast day with us.
Mary MacKillop
Tuesday 8th August was the Feast Day of Mary MacKillop. Mary MacKillop is Australia’s first canonised Saint. We celebrate the important role she played in making education accessible for children in our country. Mary MacKillop devoted her life to ensuring a holistic Catholic education for children from rural, poor families. St Mary MacKillop's impact on Australian education was remarkable.
Many of our Sacramental students have chosen Mary MacKillop as their saint for Confirmation as she has inspired them and is a role model in their lives.
With Gratitude,
Domenique Laurendi
APRIM | Leader of Learning

Hi Parents,
Our 2023 Gala is fast approaching, and we are excited to announce our tickets are on sale and the donation campaign has commenced!
Please see below an outline of the attached items:
- 2023 Gala Invite, this 3-page invitation tells you almost everything you need to know about this year’s Gala and has some exclusive offers just for you, we have kept a couple things a surprise for the night!
- Your year level donation flyer! All items are packaged into baskets and auctioned off at the Gala. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and the P&F committee thanks you in advance for your generosity.
- Our Donation Letter for Businesses. Do you own a business or know someone who does? Please pass on this formal letter that will outline what we can offer from a branding perspective to support their business, if they are able to donate any items. All items are auctioned off on the night, examples of items can be Vouchers, Goods or Services, Signed Memorabilia etc.
This year’s Gala is guaranteed to be a prestigious event, our sponsors contribution has exceeded our expectation and they cannot wait see you all at this sell out Gala.
Emma Marsden
P&F President
Important Dates
Lads Night
Assumption of Mary Whole School Mass 11.45am
Term 3 Reception Welcome Assembly 2.30pm
School Disco
No Bullying Day
Year 5 Children's Mass
Book Week Parade 9.15am

The second hand uniform shop for Term 3 will be on Mondays 2.50-3.15pm.

Proud Sponsors of the MDC
