Newsletter Term 3 Week 3
Dear Families and Friends,
The Australian Primary Principal’s Association (APPA) is committed to supporting families in ensuring every child has the best start in life. They have partnered with leading paediatrician Prof Frank Oberklaid, of The Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, to produce the Thrive with Five paper.
In the first 1000 days of a child's life, their brain grows really fast. Every time they see, hear, or touch something, it helps their brain make new connections. Eating healthy food and getting good sleep are very important because they help the child grow strong. When parents show love and care, it helps the child feel safe and learn to trust others. Playing and exploring help children learn to talk and become curious, which makes learning easier as they get older.
Families benefit from a supportive community, ensuring both they and the child thrive. Our school is part of a supportive community, and we want to partner with families to shape a lifetime of benefits for every child.
In each newsletter this term, I will share information about the important five: play, talk, read, eat well and sleep.
We have three updates of staff leaving or taking extended leave.
We are sad to say goodbye to Marian Izzo who has decided to finish her time at Star of the Sea in the Library, to provide care and support to her husband Nat as he currently undergoes treatment. We are beyond grateful for all Marian has done for our community. Our Library will not be the same without her presence. Please pray for Marian, Nat and their family during this difficult time.
Paula Ogilvie will also finish up her time at Star of the Sea. We thank Paula for all the work she has done in our community, and she will be missed by staff and students.
Amelia Fantus will be taking the rest of the 2024 year off to concentrate on having some important medical treatment, getting well and being with her family. Please pray for Amelia and her family during this challenging time.
Next Friday 16 August, we have our school Disco run by the P&F. The students are excited and it will be a gold coin donation to cover some of the costs associated with the disco. Children only in Reception and Year 1 can come in casual clothes on that day. All other students are required to come to school in their uniforms.
All families have received invitations via Audiri to complete a survey we are currently conducting about our school climate, through the Catholic Education Living Learning Leading Survey.
This is an important opportunity for you to let us know how things are going for you and your child/ren. Please be assured that your feedback will be anonymous and confidential. CESA and school staff will use the data to identify strengths and areas to work and build upon as part of our continuous improvement.
You can easily complete the online survey at and enter the code SOTSSHBLLLP in the start questionnaire field. It only takes 3 - 5 minutes. The closing date for the survey is FRIDAY 23 AUGUST. Send a screen shot of the completed page to the front office ( and you’ll go into a draw to win one of 4 gift vouchers.
With kindness
Annette Diassinas
Recent News
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome to Week 5. There is no denying that the Olympic spirit and national pride is currently front and centre in many households. I do get emotional watching our amazing athletes give it their all in their chosen fields, but I must admit the tears flow whenever the media pans to their athletes’ parents and family members. What a sense of pride they must feel when they witness the talents of their amazing children! It pulls at the heartstrings - that is for sure. One of our teachers, Ella Borlase is currently in Paris watching her sister Isabelle play for the Australian Opal’s basketball team. At only 19 years of age, and a member of SA’s Forestville Eagles, she has accomplished her dream of representing Australia. As I write this week’s newsletter, I am proud to say that our Opals convincingly won the quarterfinal against Serbia, giving them a chance to medal for the first time since the London Olympics!
Book Week Parade and Family Storytime
We look forward to celebrating our annual Book Week Parade in Week 5 on Tuesday 20th August at 9:15 on the courts. The theme this year is ‘Reading is Magic’ and we invite all our students and staff to dress up. This is a community event where we warmly welcome you to witness the colourful parade. After the parade you are invited to read a story with your child in their classrooms until 10:45am All welcome!
Student Safety
Student safety is our priority particularly before and after school. A reminder that teacher supervision is provided each morning from 8:20am -8:50am and each afternoon from 3:05pm-3:25pm. Students onsite outside of these times require supervision by carers or our OSHC service.
Numeracy Focus
Our staff are continuing to engage in professional learning in the area of Numeracy. This work has seen the development of a Star of the Sea Numeracy agreement, and a scope and sequence aligned with the Australian Curriculum for every year level. In conjunction with this you may also notice assessment tasks utilising the Catholic Education Performance Standards that are directly linked to the Achievement Standards. The purpose of the performance standards clearly explains the learning the students are expected to demonstrate at an A, B, C, D and E level. In addition, moving forward numeracy instruction will include daily reviews, explicit instruction (I do, you do, we do) to cement understanding and opportunities for transfer and application of new knowledge and skills.
Wellbeing: Stronger Families – A Positive Parenting Conference
Catholic Schools Parents South Australia (CSPSA) are offering a day event on Saturday 31 August that will be facilitated by prominent parent experts on the following topics:
Maggie Dent: Help Me, Help My Teen
Paul Dillon: Teens, Parties, Alcohol and Vapes – What Parents Need to Know
Madhavi Nawana Parker: Maintaining Calm Amidst Parenting Challenges.
For more information visit the following link.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead.
Go well,
Kelly Manera
Acting Deputy Principal
Feast Day of Blessed Mary MacKillop
Today is the feast day of Blessed Mary MacKillop, the day we remember and celebrate the life and work of St Mary of the Cross. Mary was an ordinary Australian like you and me. She worked with the poor and disadvantaged.
Mary MacKillop is Australia’s first canonised Saint. We celebrate the important role she played in making education accessible for children in our country. Mary MacKillop devoted her life to ensuring a holistic Catholic education for children from rural, poor families. St Mary MacKillop's impact on Australian education was remarkable.
May we too, always seek to find happiness in making others happy as St Mary of the Cross did.
Loving God,
You called St Mary MacKillop to be a beacon of hope and compassion.
Through her example of faith and service, she spread Your love to those in need.
Help us to embrace a spirit of generosity and peace.
Feast of the Assumption of Mary Thursday 15 August
Next Thursday is a special day – it is the feast of the Assumption of Mary – when we remember how at the end of her life Mary was taken up to heaven to be with God. Mary is very special because she was chosen by God to be the mother of God's son, Jesus. And Mary says yes to all that God asks of her.
On Thursday our Years 3-6 students will remember and honour our Mother Mary by attending the 9:15 Parish mass and our Reception -Year 2 students will celebrate with a liturgy at school at 2:00pm in the Stella Maris Room. This will be lead by our Year 2 students. Everyone is welcome to come join either celebration.
With Gratitude,
Dominique Laurendi
Yesterday 40 students from Year 3-6 attended the Catholic Schools Cross Country Carnival in the city parklands. It was a fantastic day with the sun shining. Congratulations to all the students who took part, particularly Grace who won silver in the Year 6 Girls Div A, and the Year 4 Boys who won the Year 4 Div A Boys age Group Champion.

The Years 3, 4, 5 and 6s were lucky enough to watch ‘The Silly Scientist’ perform at school. Several students were selected to participate in the interactive performance, by assisting Michael and Micky with their amazing experiments. They promoted a positive, fun and engaging attitude towards Science related activities, and reminded us that Science can be present everywhere in our everyday lives. All experiments linked with our Term 3 Chemical Science learning and investigations that are taking place this term in the classroom. It was a fantastic incursion and enjoyed by all!

Important Dates
SAPSASA Metro Soccer
Sacramental Workshop Program 7pm in Church
Year 6 Excursion
Assumption of Mary Years 3-6 9.15am
School Disco and NO Bullying Day
Reception & Year 1 Children Mass
Catholic Education Week
Book Week Parade and Family Storytime 9.15am
SAPSASA Metro Soccer
SAPSASA Metro Soccer
Year 6 Camp

You have 2 options to notify an absence:
1. Call 8115 7400 and press 1
2. Email us at with the subject being ABSENT and provide us with the name of your child, their class and the reason for the absence.
If you email the teacher your child’s absence, please also let the Front Office know by using the same email address
If your child is late any time after 8.50am they must report to the Front Office to sign in so we can record their arrival on SEQTA.
Any reoccurring appointments must also be notified to the front office on the day of the appointment. Also children leaving school before 3:05pm must be signed out from the Front Office so the early departure can be recorded.
If your child is away more than 2 weeks an exemption form must be filled out. You can find this on our website or at Front Office.
Thank you for your co operation.
School Disco

Book Week Parade
