Newsletter Term 4 Week 2
Dear Families
It is hard to believe we are in Spring with this cool weather. Next week’s sports day requires a rain-free day, so we will have to keep an eye on the long-term forecast (it is not looking good at the moment). If we must cancel, this will be shared with the community via a SkoolBag notification on Wednesday at 2:30pm. We will attempt to reschedule the Sports Day in the next week or two if this happens!
Our next “big” school event then is the 110 Year Celebration of our School. All families are invited to our whole School Mass on Friday November 18 at 11:45am in the church.
2022 – 2024 STRATEGIC PLAN
I am pleased to share with you how we aim to develop thriving students, capable learners and leaders for the world God desires, over the next few years at our school. This is the culmination of our community, staff and student consultation. You can view our Strategic Plan here.
Just a reminder for all families that bookings need to be made to visit the Devon Uniform Shop at Fulham, you cannot just turn up to the shop. See the link below which will direct you to the booking site.
Also, to families of Year 3 students, you will need to make a booking at the Devon Uniform Shop to purchase the school uniform. Alternatively, you can order online. The links to both can be found by clicking on the link below.
We hope to have an exciting announcement next week about our building program and if so, we will publish a special building newsletter to share all the information with our community.
Teachers have begun work on next year’s classes so we can no longer accept any more parent requests. This is a complicated process that we put a lot of time into. We aim to meet the needs of our students in this process as best we can, while trying to develop “balanced” classes in each year level.
Damian Weeks
Recent News
School Fees 2022
School fee statements will be sent home early next week via your child/ren. If you are making regular payments from either a bank account or credit card, please ensure your payments are sufficient to cover any additional fees. Otherwise you will need to make additional payments to cover these fees via Bpay, QKR or payment to the School Office as they become due. This will ensure your school fee account is cleared by the end of the year.
Just a reminder: Parents/Caregivers who contribute at least $300 to the Planned Giving Programme of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Henley Beach for the 2022 calendar year may apply for a full rebate of the School Capital Levy. Application forms are available from the School Office. You will need to take the form to the Parish Office for approval.
All school fees are now due unless there is a prior arrangement in place.
If at any time you are having difficulty with the payment of your school fees, or have any queries, please contact or email me ( to confidentially discuss the matter.
Jane Leonard
Finance Manager
Star of the Sea is a 1:1 device environment across Year 1-6 classes. To better support the management of the number of devices now in regular circulation we are moving to managed Apple ID accounts for each user. This requires us to assign each user's school email address to an Apple ID account. Although it is highly unlikely, we are letting you know that this process is occurring because if your family has used a child's school email address to create a personal Apple account to purchase apps for example, this account needs to be updated with a personal email address as the school address will not be useable within the next 30 days.
If you need help changing the email address assigned to your personal Apple ID account, please see this helpful information from Apple. As this is a personal matter, we are unable to provide IT support.
Please see more information about the management of Apple Devices in education using managed Apple ID accounts here.
Our ‘Road Crossing Monitors’ play a vital role in the safety of all members of our school community. It is part of our ‘Student Leadership Program’, and we appreciate the maturity and responsibility that our students show in carrying out this duty. Currently, our Year 6 students are supporting the Year 5s as they gain confidence as road monitors.
All Year 5 and 6 students completed training with SAPOL in Term 3. This training highlighted the following keys areas:
- Student vests need to be done up at all times.
- Head monitors must visually check before blowing the whistle and calling out "signs up"
- Students must ask pedestrians to wait if the road is not clear.
- Head monitors are to use a loud and clear voice - "safe to cross" to advise pedestrians when to move off.
This is a great responsibility placed upon our Year 5 and 6 students, and we are grateful for all members of community as they support our students to adhere to these directives.

Important Dates
Quiz Night
School Tours
All Saints Day
All Souls Day
Sports Day Henley Oval
Mission Day
Remembrance Day

“To change the world, we must be good to those who can’t repay us”. Pope Francis
Mission Day Marketplace is Wednesday Week 4, the 9th November. Classes from Years 3 to 6 will each hold two stalls, one that sells food and goods and one that is an activity. All students will have the opportunity to visit the stalls as well as ‘the Haunted House.’ Loyalty cards for $2, $5 or $10 will replace cash and these can be purchased via QKR. This money is our donation to Catholic Charities and Missions, which supports children both here in Adelaide and around the world.
More information will be provided by class teachers. Please note that the Tuckshop will be closed at recess. Ingredients used in baked goods need to be displayed on the stall with a sign. Thank you to our bakers who, last year, also catered for those who have food allergies. Casual clothes are the go for the day.
May God bless our young entrepreneurs, who will change the world.
Stella Foley

Save the Date

Carols Night Friday 9 December.
OSHC for Sports Day
OSHC is still available for those students with permanent bookings for Before School Care and After School Care on Sports Day, Thursday 3rd November, 2022. OSHC Staff will walk students to Henley Oval to attend Sports Day and they will then collect any students requiring ASC from Henley Oval at 3pm. Any cancellations for BSC or ASC on this day, please contact Donna, 8115 7403 no later than Tuesday, 1st November, 2022.
Star of the Sea Library
We are looking for about three or four volunteers to cover/contact new reading texts.
It would be preferable for us to initially meet at a time convenient to all to discuss the needs of this project.
If you are able to give some time to this project please email Helen Kolaczkos
Much appreciated.
Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival is yet to be confirmed, it will be either Monday 28 November or Tuesday 29 November, location TBC. This will be depend upon the Santos Sadium being completed. Please stayed tuned, further information will come out end of week 3.

Last weekend was the first game of the season for the Henley Sharks water polo team. Our U12 team did a fantastic job in their first ever game and 6 out of 10 players were SOTS students…
Millie Martin, Claire Bacciarelli, Brooke Bacciarelli, Zara Carvallo, Oliver Martin and Flynn Gargula
Go Sharks!
