Newsletter Term 4 Week 5

Dear Families
At this time of the year, we screen all children in our school with similar testing to see how they are progressing. We closely monitor literacy development due to its importance to all areas of learning. We have a very strong approach to literacy teaching in the classroom, then with small group work and finally intensive intervention if required. Again, these results are outstanding, and I am happy to share some of this information in the newsletter.
Please click her to view the results.
As a welcome back to parents on the school site, we would like to invite you to join us for a BARISTA made cup of coffee, thanks to the help of the Rachou Family and their coffee cart! This will happen next Tuesday morning, November 16th, on the green courts outside the Stella Maris Room from 8:20am.
Next Tuesday our Junior Leadership Team are in charge! We welcome our Principal for a day, Nico, Deputy, Sara and Millie APRIM. Our Junior Leadership Team met last week and they have called for a casual day and longer play time!
Today I would like to share with you that after nearly 40 years of teaching, Cathy Clark will retire at the end of the year.
Part of what Cathy wrote to the School Board, when announcing her retirement, was…
After a lengthy career, spanning almost 40 years, the majority being at Star of the Sea, I have decided to pursue different paths in life, which includes the role of grandparent and hopefully, traveller.
I feel extremely privileged and blessed to have been a part of the wonderful, caring community of Star of the Sea school for so many years. Personally, I have fulfilled a wish to teach and nurture children, which has given me enormous happiness and satisfaction.
I would like to thank the School Board and Community for the enduring love and support that you have given me over the years. Star of the Sea will always have a special place in my heart.
We thank Cathy for sharing her talents with our community and wish her all the best in the next stage of her life.
Toby Moulton has also informed the school, that he will not be returning to teach at Star of the Sea. Toby has been on leave from our school for the last three years and we wish him all the best, with his next venture.
Liana Marafioti has been on parenting leave, for the last four years. As her family are living in Queensland, she has resigned from Star of the Sea. We wish her and her family, all the best for the future.
We also have two teachers that will be taking 12 months leave without pay next year, Marian Izzo and Karen Lintern.
We hope to have our staffing for 2022 concluded very soon and will publish a full list at this time.
Not much has changed at this stage but just a reminder that:
- Adults are welcomed to come onto the school site
- If you wish to enter a school building you need to wear a mask and completed a QR code check in
- Adults may enter classrooms, but please limit this to no more than 5 adults in any classroom, at one time
- Volunteers may resume
- Please respect social distancing requirements
- As always, if you are unwell please do not come into the school
At our November meeting we covered a number of topics that are worth noting here, especially in regard to end of year events.
Firstly, a vote of thanks went to Natalie Canova and the P&F team for the organisation of the School Ball. This was a fantastic community event, and everyone seemed to really enjoy the opportunity to gather as a school community.
One change has been made to our uniform policy in regard to sports shoes, which from next year, these may be any colour with the exception of Fluro colours.
The following events are being organised for the end of year, but it is important to note that these may change at any time, due to COVID restrictions. Here is some basic information but more information will follow.
- Friday December 3rd on the oval/grandstand (as usual), starting at 5:45pm
- Families may bring 4 people (excluding any students enrolled in our school as they will be with their class teacher)
- Families will be required to book tickets and QR code on entry
- Masks will be required when adults are not seated
- Reception to Year 5 classes will perform
- BYO food, to be shared only with your family (no alcohol please)
- Inclement weather plan – the event will be cancelled
- This is our whole school celebration for the end of year
- Tuesday December 7 at 9am
- Venue: Green courts – Stella Maris Room
- Whole school attends
- Parents may attend, but will be required to book tickets and QR code on entry
- Inclement weather plan – hold the event the next day at the same time
Damian Weeks
Recent News
A reminder that all sporting information will come out through the Skoolbag app and registrations are made through Qkr!. If you do not have either of these apps please feel free to see the office staff for support with downloading the apps or to ask any questions. Once you have registered using QKR please ensure that the registration has gone through by checking the receipts section in the app. If you do not have a receipt, then it hasn’t gone through.
2022 Swimming Carnival, After School Basketball, Netball & Cricket notes are coming out this week through Skoolbag app. Please note Soccer and Football notes will come out around Week 6 of Term 1, 2022.
SACPSSA Athletics Carnival was on Friday 5 November 2021.Thank you to all parents who helped on the day with Official roles, your support was greatly appreciated.
We have a number of people to congratulate on their sensational effort:-
- Sophia T who now holds the SACPSSA Year 3 Girls Shot Put Record. Sophia threw 4.49 which was 15cm further than the previous record.
- Stirling who now holds the SACPSSA Year 4 Boys 400m with a new record of 1:12:58.
- Grace who won the Year 3 Individual Age Champion
- The Year 3 Boys who won the Year 3 Boys Age Champion.
Finally, I would like to congratulate all students who took part in the carnival, well done on your effort.

Congratulations Ella Sargeant, Leo Fotiou, Christiana Fotiou, Alessia Selita and Sofie Androvic who participated in the children’s university graduation ceremony last night at Bonython Hall at Adelaide University.
These wonderful students have been working in their own time to earn graduation hours and awards through the Children’s University of Australasia.
Ella received the National Bronze Award for 30 hours
Leo and Alessia received the National Gold Award for 100 hours
Sofie and Christiana received the National Silver Certificate for 165 hours
We also say a big thanks and well done to Kim Martin who coordinated the program at Star of the Sea school this year.
Well done and thank you everyone.

Quick Links
Important Dates
Surf Ed Year 4
P&F Meeting 7pm
Surf Ed Year 4
Choir Performance 5pm
New Reception Information Night
Casual Day
First Reconciliation 7pm
Reception Orientation Session
Instrumental Night(Mon and Tues) 6pm
Band Performance 4pm
General Uniform Reminders

Star of the Sea School is committed to ensuring that our children at the start of their schooling are able to access active play and be comfortable for learning. To enhance fitness and encourage total engagement of students in all areas of study, the Sports Uniform has been adopted for our Reception to Year 2 students only. This is been phased in and began in 2020. Next year the following applies…
2022 Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Students: PE Uniform as the everyday uniform.
All other Year Levels: Formal Uniform compulsory as everyday items.
Also, a reminder to everyone of the following:
- Hairstyles are to be moderate and not extreme. (Number 1 haircuts or chiselled pattern hair styles are considered extreme).
Sport Dates
Important Dates for Term 4, 2021
- Footsteps Dance - Weeks 2,3,4,6 & 7
- Year 4 Surf Ed - Monday 6 December & Tuesday 7 December
- Year 2 Girls Junior Blasters clinic - Monday 15, 22, 29 November & 6 December 2021
Term 1, 2022
- Star of the Sea Swimming Carnival - Week 2, Wednesday 9 February, 2022
Term 2, 2022
- Star of the Sea Sports Day - Week 3, Thursday, 19 May 2022