Newsletter Term 4 Week 9

Recent News

Dear Families
Well here we are at the end of what has been a “different” year by any measure. I thank everyone in our community for their understanding as we negotiated the difficult path through Covid 19 restrictions. Schools are all about community and this year we were just not able to do many of the normal things. I pray that next year things will return to normal!
On behalf of our community I would like to thank all the staff at Star of the Sea. Very few people realise the difficulties that schools faced this year and the enormous amount of work that went on in the background, unseen by most.
I am pleased to announce that we have appointed Rose Russell to teach in Reception for 2021. Rose has been in a Catholic school in Darwin for the last two years, teaching a Reception class. Previous to that Rose taught at St Francis Xavier Primary, in Ballarat. Rose has quite an interest in music. I am sure you join me in welcoming Rose to our school.
The Year 6 students were farewelled at a Graduation Assembly on Monday night which was a fantastic event for the students and their families. A number of awards were presented at the assembly:
Tony Quinn Awards
- Finn Carey
- Ruby Lynch
Academic Awards
- Sophia Chitti
- Troy Taylor
- Jessica Burton
Principal’s Awards
- Isabella Dragani
- Maeve Nicholas
Mercy Awards
- Jacob France
- Hayley Thomas
- Ciara O’Rielly
- Matilda Grant
- Luke Jones
- Sienna Morelli
- Franco Esposito
- Isabel Chrisakis
- Christian Liu
Sr Cynthia Award
- Chloe Riley
Today, we started with our End of Year Liturgy, a thanksgiving and celebration of the year. It was also our opportunity to farewell the Year 6 students and we wish them all the best as they take their next steps in their journey.
On behalf of all the staff here at Star of the Sea, thank you for your support this year and may we wish your family a happy, safe and blessed Christmas season.
Next year, we start on a Wednesday (January 27th) and look forward to catching up with everyone then.
Damian Weeks

It has been a great privilege, to have taught for 23 years at Star of the Sea School.
A very vibrant and welcoming, community.
I have appreciated your tremendous support, encouragement and friendship.
It is gratifying to me, that the Star of the Sea community, continues its commitment to Environmental Sustainability and the Science Program.
Star of the Sea School is a ‘beacon ‘of Hope, in such challenging times.
Best wishes and God bless.
Peter Hoskin
(Specialist Science and Environmental Sustainability Teacher).
Important Dates
Term 1 2021

If you require to buy new uniforms you will be required to make an appoinment.
Please follow this link and go to ordering/appointments. You can book a time at school or at the Devon Shop at Edwardstown.