
board talk

Board Talk


The School Board received various reports from committees.

Justin Gargula provided a summary of the finance report indicating the school’s finances are tracking well and that there are no areas where overspending is of concern. Income for the year to date is $446K above budget, due to timing of grants and a good school fee collection rate.

It was reported that the OSHC and Vacation Care programs are operating well, with a small year to date profit of $8,500. The School Canteen reported a loss of $15,000 for 2018. The School Board will review the Canteen finances and survey parents about the canteen. It was agreed that this item should remain on the agenda for further discussion.

Joe De Tullio introduced Carmen Bishop to the School Board. Carmen has recently been employed by the school as the Partnerships and Marketing Manager for the Marine Discovery Centre. Carmen presented to the School Board her ideas for future marketing of the centre and her initial first impressions. Carmen also spoke about her plans to promote the MDC on social media. All School Board members were impressed with Carmen’s energy and creative ideas and we look forward to further reports on the progress of the MDC.

Pino Dichiera from Edge Architects attended the meeting to present to the School Board the progress of the new capital development works. Pino presented a 3D fly through of the new building which will consist of a new multi-purpose room, music room, disabled lift, new Reception classrooms, atrium and refurbished corridors and classrooms to the MacKillop Building. The School Board were very pleased with the design, functionality and that all requirements were able to be included in scope of the new capital development. Pino informed the School Board that the tender process would be finalised shortly and a builder appointed soon after.

The next meeting of the School Board will be Monday 17th June.

Phillip Reichelt
School Board Chairperson