

From the Deputy Principal


A very warm welcome back to school for our final term of 2019.

The weather has certainly turned it on for us over the last couple of days and keeps us guessing as to what the weather and temperature it will be the following day. 

The recent weather has reminded us that all students are required to wear their hats for playtime and during fitness and sport lessons. Please ensure that all hats are labelled with your child’s name on it. Hats are available for purchase in the Uniform Shop.

The building Project

As you would have noticed, the building project is now in the structural stage, with most of the structural steel now in place for the new part of the build. The next part of the building process will comprise of Bond-deck being laid and then two concrete pours occurring next week. These pours will form the ceiling and floor of the new building and the paths around the new building. The elevator shaft is now in place with structural steel joining the new build to the existing MacKillop building. The widening of the corridors in the lower level of the Mackillop building continues to take place and the renovation of the current reception classrooms is in full swing. I am happy to report that students have responded well to the change of direction in terms of pedestrian traffic flow and our Science and Italian lessons are being taught from the children’s classrooms. 

Lost Property

There is an abundance of lost property at the moment with large amounts of property unlabelled, which makes it difficult to return to the rightful owner. I remind parents and caregivers that any clothing that is brought to school should have the students name clearly labelled on it. The lost property box is now located outside the Reception classroom adjacent the oval.

Military Road

I remind all parents and caregivers who use Military Road as a pick up and drop off point, to observe building vehicles entering and exiting the building site as well as blocking the northbound lane. SAPOL have reminded us that expiation notices will be issued for offending vehicles. Please pass this information on to friends and family member who may collect your child/ or drop off.

Seaview Road

There is a noticeable increase in the number of vehicles parking in the ‘clearway zone’ on Seaview Road waiting for students to enter the pick-up zone. I remind all parents and caregivers that it is illegal to park on any yellow line or wait in a bus zone for students to exit from school.  Parking on or near the pedestrian crossing on Seaview Rd is hazardous to pedestrians using the crossing and makes the job of School Crossing Monitors very difficult. Thank you for your corporation in this area.


Congratulations and well done to Jane Flaherty Belinda De Cruz and Kelly Broadbent who completed the Melbourne Marathon in the holidays. I am dutifully informed that the athletes’ times to complete the run were very competitive and the athletes have recovered well.

We all learn lessons in life. Some stick, some don't. I have always learned more from rejection and failure than from acceptance and success. Henry Rollins

Thanks and blessings
​Matt Perry